The graceful maiden in Yaochi leads the way like a fallen fairy, and this beauty can make people feel peaceful and quiet.


Accompanied by several elders of Yaochi, he was taken to Xianchi, an important place in Yaochi.
There is an ancient tree in XianChi Pan that is as vigorous as a dragon, with a height of 30 feet, stretching to the sky and taking root. There are several fruits on the lush surface of XianChi Pan.
"Man king, please look, that’s the stone king we’re waiting to cultivate."
Several elders in Yaochi reached forward and pointed out that the ancient flat peach tree had a crystal stone with nine holes to breathe the essence of the sun and the moon, which looked very miraculous.
Li Yu strode forward, and there were also several people watching the ancient flat peach trees in Chi Pan.
At the moment, I was surprised to see such a young man coming over. I looked up at him. There was a strange coercion that revealed the origin of the connection. This is a temptation
These people are all famous in the northern domain, and the strong ones from the source art family were invited to Yaochi to see the arrival of the source Tianshi’s eponymous Zhongzhou division, and some of them were impatient.
Li Yu’s pace is neither fast nor slow, but every step has stepped on the backbone of the earth. Gan Kun resonates with the general trend and presses forward like a co-owner of heaven and man.
There are many strange stones in Yaochi, and the dragon spirit can be found elsewhere.
Along with his footsteps, the dragon’s breath suddenly rose into strips, and dozens of them penetrated from the depths of the earth vein to the high sky, which directly dispersed the eyes of the three old people, making their bodies fall back one after another.
"It’s awesome to be an afterlife. The name of Zhongzhou Earth Division is well known. I’ve seen it today."
"There is no such thing as a hero being a teenager at my age."
"Daoyou please!"
Three old people from the source family glances at Li Yu’s arch and let him out of the floor.
This is the recognition that he has the qualification to be a senior source expert.
Seeing this scene, many people were surprised, especially those young people from the source family who opened their mouths wide and looked unbelievable.
The king is so young, but he is comparable to the elders in his family. They are respected as equals.
This is really shocking. Many of them are older than King Wang.
The elders of Yaochi Saint smiled even more at each other.
Li Yu’s strange stone in front of the ancient tree is crystal clear and colorful, and the essence of the sun and the moon is like life
When he approached, he also released a little bit of smoke and light, and the light in the Xuan pupil formed a fetal appearance.
"You Yaochi want to cultivate a holy spirit, which is not easy to control."
Li Yu looked at the Xuan pupil for a while and let the three old people look at him obsessively.
This stone king is the Yaochi, which cultivates the holy spirit and nourishes the sacred fetus for all the years. Yaochi strives to cultivate it and wants it to come to the world as early as possible to help.
"People don’t have to worry. This is a good spirit."
An elder in Yaochi said that they naturally knew all kinds of things, but some secret methods were revealed.
"This stone has long been purified by ancient saints, and we have been preaching to it in our later years."
Jade pool saint spit out such a message, but did not continue to say.
"It’s hard to say that the wise man Wang is crossing this world."
Another elder smiled and was very optimistic about the potential of the Holy Spirit. Once in this world, it must be one of the top powerful horses in the world.
"I am in the same life, and that will be its sorrow and glory."
Li Yu indifferently overlooks the skin of the stone king with one hand and pats the light at the bottom of his eyes. At first glance, it makes the smog pause for ten breath before it comes out.
Several elders in Yaochi said that this man Wang is too overbearing. Does the Holy Spirit have to crush a head?
However, they also know that a truly prosperous world will be born, except for the kings who will compete with each other, even the Great Emperor, and the Holy Spirit will be born. If you want to live proudly in the future, you can’t do it without going against the sky.
I don’t know if this king who is crushing two domains can lead the world in the future wave.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-nine People Wang Jing Yao pool source sound
The mist in the fairy pool fills the air and the essence overflows like a rainbow to nourish the whole pure land of Yaochi.
Li Yu’s elders from the three major source families in the northern domain are constantly looking at and exploring this terrain around the stone king with nine orifices.
"It is not difficult for a statue of the Holy Spirit to nourish and grow, but it needs to be decorated with many things."
The elders of Ouyang Family pondered a method, but it cost a lot to intercept the essence of heaven and earth and raise the stone king.
Elder Yaochi is a little disappointed, and they know that this method is not effective, and this nourishment is not a day or two, but day and night.
No matter how rich Yaochi Holy Land is, it can’t stand such consumption.
"It’s a pity that we didn’t find Master Chengbao from Yuantian, otherwise we could have countermeasures. I’m ashamed and ashamed to make you laugh."

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