Xu Hongru couldn’t help but think of where he came from when he heard the Seven Killing Magic Palace. He didn’t expect to be born in the Seven Killing Magic Palace.


Grandmother Tree Demon heard these words, and her heart was full of joy towards the dark clouds.
When the two messengers of the Seven Killings heard her words, the dark clouds cleared away, revealing the appearance of two people. One of them said to Grandma Tree Demon, "Where are such people?"
Grandma Tree Demon felt a sudden movement just now. Xiaoqian, don’t have an accident.
At this time, she hurriedly secretly called Xiaoqian, who was behind the tree demon grandmother, to whisper, "Grandma, I am here."
At this time, Li Zhichang was sorry to say to Chang Jian, "It seems that this time can’t be done."
Chang Jian suddenly blare a white light shot Li Zhichang back pure Yang fire.
Chang Jian walked around him and whined.
Li Zhichang finally surprised and laughed. "So this thing doesn’t hurt you."
Chang Jian fell into his hand, and the light disappeared. The body of the sword was like a black inscription on the water, adding a trace of rare evil.
Chapter ninety-seven Who is the ups and downs of life?
Chang Jianlai is different from the magic weapon practiced by those big sects. After experiencing many worlds with Li Zhichang, he gradually grew up with spirituality and shared Li Zhichang’s feelings.
Instead of some mysterious instruments or magic weapons that are engraved with several runes and banned after being practiced several times by Buddhism and Taoism.
The magic weapon is more similar to the intelligent program. If the road is fixed in the future, it will be equivalent to the program encountering a Trojan horse and losing its due function.
Chang Jian, on the other hand, is like a human infant. For him, it is more like a virus, but its epidemic power and adaptability are by no means ordinary babies
It didn’t take long to absorb the dark and evil spirit, which made it more evil.
And if Li Zhichang is a pure Yang fire, it can really remove all the remaining Xuan Yin and black Shaqi and shout that Chang Jian will return to its former state.
This is what Li Zhichang wanted to do before.
However, Li Zhichang thought it was his own inherent thinking that the dark and dark spirit was absolutely harmful to Chang Jian, but from Chang Jian’s point of view, it was to kill the sword and divide the enemy and the enemy regardless of good or bad.
Closest to a sense of restraint and nature.
Even if Li Zhichang’s free and easy detachment makes him sacrifice blood to hundreds of millions of people, killing is absolutely impossible.
Chang Jian won’t have this concern because it won’t affect it.
Although it gives birth to spirituality, it is still a magic weapon. No living thing has complicated ideas, no right and wrong, good and evil, and Li Zhichang orders it.
Li Zhichang wants to refine it. It doesn’t feel anything from it. Anyway, Li Zhichang Road Fire gives it a very comfortable feeling
If Li Zhichang stops this move, it doesn’t feel that there is anything between it and Li Zhichang. When it feels Li Zhichang’s emotions, it will honestly tray out its own situation.
After all, Li Zhichang is not omniscient. He has a high spiritual magic weapon like Chang Jian, and there are many unknowns.
Chang Jian can certainly understand himself, but it can’t be expressed from Li Zhichang’s point of view because its concept of right and wrong is different from that of living things.
But it’s wrong to say it.
Although Li Zhichang has reached the realm of self-forgetfulness, it is also something to rely on. Before he looks at things, he must know all things very well
Or maybe his selflessness is not pure enough. Since he forgot’ I’, he came to’ I’
It is still not enough for Li Zhichang to see more world quality.
However, it can’t be said that his realm is not high enough, but that the more he knows, the more he doesn’t know. This is a solution proposition. Only Yuan Tianzun, Tao Zu and Amitabha Buddha can solve this problem or solve part of it.
Li Zhichang was touched after seeing Chang Jian condense a mysterious rune, but he could think of something vaguely, but it was not thorough enough.
Yes, he knows that this has little effect on Chang Jian, which is enough.
The changes of things in heaven and earth are traceable and traceable, and finally the personnel changes are elusive.
If the result infers the past, only to find that everything is doomed.
But with an eye to the future, even if Daozu is old or Yuan Tianzun is as tall, it is difficult to really say that he can fully understand it.
Just as programmers build a perfect software that loves you, when it really runs, it will still be difficult to predict bugs and get out of control.
The long river of fate can also be said to be a perfect software that has already fixed all the life trajectories of all sentient beings, but some people can still jump out of it.
Some jump out for a while, and some jump out for a long time.
But after all, when I jumped out, I broke away from the long river of fate and took control of this virtual universe, which opened a new road.
Although Li Zhichang jumped out of the cycle of life and death, he was not qualified to participate in this level of contest that was not fiddled with by fate.
He met Qingfeng to attract the Kyubi no Youko demon saint, and he got copper coins for killing the monk Wang Fa apprentice, and then he got the best.
The two clues have nothing to do with each other, but in the end, Li Zhichang and Kyubi no Youko Yaosheng joined forces in World War I.
Li Zhichang was rescued by Ruyi’s golden dragon and finally came to Xiaoqian and was saved by Xiaoqian.
Everything seems to be destiny takes a hand, like a play that has already been written.
But when I can’t find the clue.
Li Zhichang lamented the terrible fate in his heart but did not give birth to the idea of not going to Lanre Temple.
Because it is impossible for him to get rid of this invisible arrangement whether he goes or not.
Or maybe it’s not fate, or maybe he has a big hand like fate behind him
When he can’t see behind, he can’t choose to go with the flow.
Every inch of land in Lanruo Temple seems to have lost its vitality and become dead.
Yan Chixia was imprisoned in the blood demon vine and could not be repaired.
Sima Hongye has fallen to the ground in a coma.
Incarnate Ning Caichen, Xu Hongru, steady and empty, a Bai Lianhua
Next to the seven messengers, Granny Tree Demon seems to have a joint posture.
The two messengers of the Seven Killings glanced at each other and looked at Xiaoqian’s heart again. This female ghost should be able to meet the requirements of the little master for the furnace tripod, which is extremely rare.
Although ghosts can change their faces, Xiaoqian’s natural and clear temperament has reached the eyes of spiritual beauty practitioners, which is also very prominent.
It is not impossible for the two of them to capture Dafa’s attainments and keep Ning Caichen, the leader of the white lotus.
The other party is definitely worth a lot more than Grandma Tree Demon, the root monster.
Xu Hongru is such a character. How can you not see the change of the situation? His face is not obvious at all. He has calculated that he will come out like a thief.

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