"Dare to high god soil hand is not afraid of our taboo first conquest in the world! ?”


Rotten Ke Luchen has not yet moved the city department of God, but there is a figure climbing up and hanging over the whole body with bright white light, which makes people look unreal.
The man is holding a heavy hammer with a handle, just like the blazing white god of war. Even Liu Chen will move. This is a true self, the peak of the strong city of God, which has a floor but is forbidden to directly seal the king.
He stepped into the sky so fast that his big hand made a brazen move before it reached the peak of the mountain.
Seeing that the sledgehammer in his hand drives the law of heaven, terrain and borders to dance with him, the earth rises to heaven and sinks like a hammer squeezed by poor forces to gather his hands.
And that crimson hand from the inner world didn’t stop and went straight ahead and finally collided with the hammer.
A large number of virtual broken heaven and earth thriller avenue have been wiped out.
But the strong man with a hammer is suddenly and violently retreating, like being slapped and flying out, coughing up blood and looking scared.
This is a high land where taboos have been reinforced. There are nine taboos blocking the world taboo law in the defense house. Here, their conceptual ability is moved. That is pure strength and skill. How can a strong person who touches the peak of his oldest true self strike back?
The hammer’s strong figure hit the sacred peak and sent out a second tremor and roar. His body was embedded in the sacred peak, and it would have been broken if it had not been created by nine taboos and had a strong blessing.
"Ahem … it’s the one who represents anger and pain …"
When the hammer man coughed up blood, he said that he recognized the identity of the other party, the oldest true self, the peak of the strong man-he knew more secrets than rotten ke.
Or he used to be a senior manager of Lingxu Temple, and now he is in retirement.
"Stop him and he can’t spread in the world!"
Another strong man rose with a fairy sword, firm but gentle, to cut the sky vertically and horizontally to break the crimson hand.
But firm but gentle rushed into the crimson fog, like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no response, which aroused some fog waves.
Then the red atomized tentacles and general things entangled and eroded to the swordsman at the peak of his true self. The swordsman struggled to get rid of it, but after being thrown away, the sword in his hand turned crimson, which was obviously polluted.
"Liu Xiaoyou will wait."
Rotten ke is also serious and straightforward, and he knows that this world is taboo.
It is the devil who induced people in the high world to pursue extraordinary powers when he told Lu Chen a story.
This high divinity is a taboo in the inner world, and what he said to Lu Chen is also a pronoun, not a real name.
But rotten ke clearly knows that the other party has mastered the concept and ability. He has no idea what the world taboos were like in the beginning, but he knows that the world taboos now have more than one conceptual ability.
At present, the representative of Halac’s taboo is anger and pain. These two concepts, whether they are original or inherited, are always troublesome.
It is said that this taboo gained great power in the process of inducing all beings in the original world, perhaps relying on the evolution of all beings to create a new concept and finally breaking the boundary between the inner world and the surface of the ball
At first, he should have no entity, but a form, a simple and empty concept, which was formed after the handover between the inner world and the outer world
That kind of anger comes from making all beings cold and monotonous, and the ultra-modern utopia has aroused all beings’ desire for bloodthirsty Yuan Ye sex.
Lan Ke looked at the history of that era and made his own analysis. People have desires, so they pursue their own desires.
However, the original harmonious utopia society has been broken, and the social classes and classes have been re-divided, and the boundaries have been divided between ordinary creatures who have mastered extraordinary power and those who have not mastered extraordinary power.
That era was re-divided, and the original common rich world was differentiated. Maybe that’s what all sentient beings can aspire to. This is the inferiority of all sentient beings. Only when others are unfortunate can they set off their own happiness and get higher satisfaction.
Only the class can distinguish the good from the bad, so that the so-called equal beings can get a higher sense of happiness.
When the living beings feel alienated and feel the pain of oppression, their howling makes this taboo stronger, and he leads the world to a new concept: self-resistance, oppression, injustice, anger and original pain.
But Lu Chen may feel confused when listening to the story told by rotten Ke. Everyone is satisfied with the society. Not only did everyone live in harmony at the earliest moment of the original world period, because at that time, people did not have the concept of pain and would not be angry because of various things.
Without these two concepts, people’s life satisfaction will soar.
It was Halac, the original world, that gave people the key to hit Pandora’s Box, and it was out of control ever since.
Rotten ke rushed to the long hands at this time, and a circle appeared in each hand. The mysterious law made the crimson hand pause for a moment and you could see that the crimson hand was retreating.
This is a magical sight. Lu Chen’s ability to master the rules of luck can actually limit taboos.
But before he praised Ke, he coughed up blood and retreated. Obviously, he was countered by taboos and violently destroyed his laws.
On the age, he is too different. The other side has dominated the original world and participated in the oldest war. He is too young in front of the other side.
This taboo in the inner world may not kill the peak of the true self at will, because if the peak of the true self is already very strong, they may still be able to escape
But if you face the enemy head-on, you will not see enough before him. At best, it will delay and be traumatized.
At this time, the hammer strong side by side with rotten Ke, their injuries also instantly recovered, but even if they rushed away again, I’m afraid the result would be the same.
There are several figures in the scope of the city of God to take off and attack the big hand. At that time, the route was blocked
"A quick victory will push back the inner world and re-block the passage. If it is slower, it will be polluted!"
Rotten ke shouted that the concept of gathering the peak power of the god city and the true self was limited, and they could completely avoid the first world war by all forces.
The peak of the true self is definitely a powerful force, even if it is positive to the general taboo, it is not empty. If the other party can’t deal with them conceptually, it can beat them back
Lanke is very anxious because it will be very troublesome for this taboo to enter the high land. Once the concept of the other party spreads, it will lead to great turmoil in the high land.
He knows better than anyone what it means to beat the world in the high-level world competition, because the world has solidified its class, and most of the younger generation are lying flat and rotten, which is a kind of resistance
If you let this taboo master the concept and spread it, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the land will be chaotic first.
A strong converging attack scattered red mist. As a result, Lu Chen was somewhat surprised because red mist had nothing. No, he imagined that this big hand was purely condensed by those crimson fog.
I have seen thousands of eyes in the thick fog before, and those flashing tentacles are between real and illusory means, not real.
Shape and energy have spread since he invaded the inner world for a while, and Lu Chen also felt strange about himself. He inexplicably recalled some bad things and felt pain both physically and mentally to curb his rage.
His eyes were dark and turned scarlet, which meant bloodthirsty. Those who were forbidden to fight against the real world were also affected to some extent.
Lu Chen’s cold hum is a surge of soul meaning, the root of which is the reverse tracing of soul meaning. It is not aimed at him, but it affects his terrible ability.
He realized that the nine-wing taboo he had played before really belonged to the class, and it didn’t make him feel very troublesome. The conceptual ability affected him.
Or the concept of the other side’s control is not suitable for fighting, nor is it a concept that you often come into contact with in your common sense.
Which taboos will be more powerful in controlling concepts? Lu Chen has long thought that in general, there are no weak concepts and weak taboos, and even seemingly insignificant concepts may exert amazing power according to the mode of transportation.
But some concepts, such as life and death, time, and so on, will make him feel very powerful. For example, people’s worldly desires and other concepts are directly related to people’s thinking. If they can control their opponents’ emotions in a battle, they can make them go crazy directly.
Obviously, the peak of the eye position is in trouble, because the nine taboos in the high world impose a blockade force and collapse with the export of the taboo in the inner world. They are gradually influenced by the concept brought by the crimson fog
When attacked, the pain limit is magnified, and the crazy whisper in the crimson fog awakens them. Their original anger and bloodthirsty can make them red-eyed and wish to kill everyone around them, regardless of the enemy or the enemy.
Rotten Ke is not much better. He is in rags. When Lu Chen met before, he was chic and freehand, and the manipulation of the rules was also chaotic.
Don’t say that Lu Chen believes that this taboo control ability is first-class, and it is difficult to be affected in large-scale battles together with taboo opponents.
And he also recognized the taboo. He once met the other side in the world, which was the last head during the war. He saw have no martial ethics, an old monster in the world, attacking a young man who was less than one million years old.
At that time, it was this crimson hand that crossed the inner world and dyed it red. The gray moonlight in the inner world had to hold him well and save the field by dropping the magician’s card, and they successfully got out.

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