My wife came back and found out about the family changes. She comforted her husband and told him not to have a psychological burden and treat him well. She would still love him as before.


But the welcoming pine died, and I don’t know what day it withered
My wife is very sad. Although the welcoming pine is dead, she still can’t bear to throw it away and sit in a daze before the welcoming pine is dead.
The husband sat there with her, comforting his wife and persuading her to throw away the dead pine tree, and then he bought her a new one.
The wife was finally told that it was already late at night, and the two of them were going to sleep. Suddenly, the husband felt that something had fallen off his neck, itchy and stinging. He reached out and touched a few withered pine needles and threw them away.
They were fast asleep, but soon a sad meow woke her husband. He was horrified to find that the dead welcoming pine had grown a cat’s head, just like cutting off the civet’s head in front of him!
The cat stared at him with a pair of yellow eyes shining strangely!
Wife didn’t wake up.
The husband quietly went to bed and brought a kitchen knife to cut off the cat’s head and put it in a plastic bag to throw it away the next day.
After all this, the husband went to bed again. He slept soundly and was no different from when he was in normal health.
The next morning, my husband woke up and suddenly found that his wife lying next to him had no head!
The husband was scared. Did he chop off his wife’s head instead of the cat’s last night?
He hurried to bed to look at the plastic bag, but there was nothing in it.
He froze.
Where is the wife’s head?
Where is the cat’s head?
He ran around the room, he was heartbroken and frightened, more confused than he was, but he suddenly found a strange thing, welcoming pine came back to life
The welcoming pine has withered and its branches and leaves have come back to life overnight.
Is there a color of that leaf or is it dark red in green?
At the same time, the husband found that wherever he went in the house, the welcoming pine was facing his hand-like branch as if calling himself to the past
He couldn’t stand this strange and scary atmosphere, and he chopped the welcome pine into pieces and smashed the flowerpot to dig out the roots of the welcome pine.
But when he dug up the roots of the welcoming pine, he saw his wife’s head growing in the roots and her eyes staring at him straight!
The story came to an abrupt end here. I looked at Cheng Ge in wait for a while, feeling that my chest and stomach were blocked and rose again. I looked at me in a dreamy way and said, "Look, there is a cat looking at you outside the window."
My hair stood on end and I hurried back to look out the window. It was quiet. Where was the cat?
Brother Cheng "ha ha" laughed, and I didn’t know when to glare at him immediately.
Brother Cheng laughed and sarcastically said to me, "See how your cowardice gets along with my dad?"
I said, "I’m not afraid of things, but I’m afraid you’re too emotional when I listen to you!" Haven’t you ever heard of anyone scaring people? "
"Timid is timid, so don’t be embarrassed." Cheng Ge patted his belly with satisfaction and said, "It’s time for Chi Nong to come back. I’ll take a shower first. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I’m telling a story, but don’t be afraid."
With that, Cheng Ge got up and went to the sanitation. I left the living room by myself, staring blankly at a table for eating and drinking.
I feel a little uncomfortable when the room is quiet.
This is a single-storey villa with a very large area. The living room alone is 100 square meters. I have never lived in such a big room, and the physiognomy also said that if there are few people, don’t live in too big a room.
Physiologist: I know that the yin and precious things need the sun’s spirit to resist one person’s sun’s spirit. If the sun’s spirit is evenly distributed in a room of 100 square meters, it will seem insignificant, causing the whole house to feel lifeless. This is why many big houses look gloomy.
Before the new house moves in, it is generally necessary to set off firecrackers and invite relatives and friends to make trouble, that is, a lot of yang will drive away evil spirits.
If the room is too big and cloudy, there will be other dirty things with you, especially if the bedroom is not more than 20 square meters. It is better for one or two people to live in one hundred bungalows.
I also know that doctors often come into contact with patients, dead things and so on, which are yin flourishing while yang declining or yin things, so doctors themselves are also very yin-qi.
So I guess this chi Nong dares to live in such a big villa, either because the yang is too heavy and he is not afraid of yin, or because the yin is too heavy to learn.
I’m not used to it.
I was thinking, and suddenly I heard a rustling sound outside the villa. Although the sound was not high, I had keen hearing and the night was quiet, so I could hear it clearly.
I slowly walked to the door to listen attentively, but then I heard "meow, ow", and a sudden meow sounded like a ghostly cry!
I was so surprised that my hair almost got weak at first sight.
I listened attentively for a long time, and there was no more movement, so I calmed down.
I think maybe there is a bobcat lying outside the door, so it barks from time to time, but it’s so scary, especially after listening to Cheng Ge’s story, Cheng Ge said that the story is true.
I knocked at the door to get rid of the cat.
It was very late at this time. When I looked at my watch, it was eleven o’clock in the middle of the night. The next morning, the time was coming soon.
Chi Nong hasn’t come back yet. It is estimated that there are too many patients. When he wants to stop diagnosis for a while, he may come back after reading all the patients.
When I walked out of the villa, I didn’t see the bobcats. I saw a quiet mountain road winding deep and long, and the stone steps were full of fallen leaves and green. The moonlight in Huang Liang was particularly elegant.
It’s windy outside, too, and it’s very cool. I couldn’t help walking along the mountain road with a shock.
Unconsciously, I walked a long distance. Looking back, the villa lights shone faintly in the distance.
I looked around the jungle in Shan Ye, and the night was boundless. I looked at it for a while and then returned along the original road of stone stairs.
There are cypresses and pine trees beside the mountain road. I was walking in a hurry. Suddenly my neck became cold with a slight sting, as if something had fallen into my neck.
Then a shrill, piercing animal called Lin rang like a brotherhood of the Wolf. I was suddenly shocked and my hair stood on end, but the sound disappeared immediately.
Like a cat meowing again?
I thought with lingering fear.
The pine cat reminded me of that story immediately. Brother Cheng just told me a story!
I was already a little scared when Brother Cheng spoke, but it was just a little palpitation.
But now I’m really a little scared
The sad cat barked at a number of pine trees on both sides of the mountain road, and something fell from my neck.
It’s completely similar to the main plot in that story!
I suddenly got the creeps

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