In particular, this relative Sun Hao has an irreplaceable position in his heart.


Sun Hao’s eyes danced and slowly knelt down in front of Qing Lao.
Young and old eyes closed, still as before, with a dull face and no expression. The only difference is that there is no sign of life.
Crawling old feet is like kneeling when you were young and old. Sun Hao couldn’t bear two lines of tears for a long time and stained his skirt.
Even if Sun Haogui is then, even if Sun Hao is able to cut the elixir, at this moment, Sun Hao feels that he is still a child, and he is still a lonely child who has lost his loved ones.
In tears, Sun Hao remembered how lucky and precious he was to meet an enlightened teacher like Young and Old in his life.
Young and old people seem to be dull, but in fact, they are like watching a fire, but their hearts are cold and their hearts are hot. Young and old people have a heart that silently loves themselves and a heart that plans the future by themselves.
But it is difficult for the cloud to seek the Tao and mourn for the teacher.
Sun Hao didn’t expect to return from wandering to meet himself, but he was separated from Master forever.
Quietly crawling with tears in front of the old man, Sun Hao regrets that he didn’t get back to Aoki earlier, even if he came back a day earlier. Maybe things will turn around, and maybe Master will help condense the elixir and add Shou Yuan himself.
Now it’s too late.
Godsworn’s life is full of thorns, hardships and loneliness. where will you go will always accompany Godsworn’s life.
In the end, I found myself in a daze.
At this time, although Sun Hao was already expensive, he was missing the great monk. This awareness and the death of Yu Shi and Qing Lao really made him experience the bitterness of the monk.
After more than an hour, a note "sou" flew in.
Sun Hao took the note and his face showed a trace of unbearable look. After half a ring, he got up and lifted his old body with his hands flat. He floated up from the ground and fell into Sun Hao’s hands.
Sun Hao’s hands held the young and old one step out of the sutra depository and one step came to the top of Aoki Fairy Mountain.
On the top of the mountain, more than 400 monks of Aoki Sect stood in awe, and dry wood stood in the middle, setting up a huge frustum. Yu Chang and Aunt Qin quietly lay down on the frustum.
Xu Zongzhu and Brother Aoki decided to "sacrifice and bury" Aoki’s spirit after consultation, that is, after a certain ceremony, the spirit would be immortalized by a raging fire.
This is also one of the more common funerals after the fall of Brother Xia Guo.
Sun Hao body Teng hands holding the young old line slowly.
Xu Zongzhu took the lead in drinking "Gongsong Qinglao"
Face Aoki Zongdi bowed their heads on one knee and shouted, "Let’s send the young and the old." After two times, Qiqi bowed his head and knelt quietly.
Sun Hao, a face of pious flying platform, respectfully placed the young and old body on the platform and lay side by side with Yu Chang.
Put away the old Sun Hao, take three steps back, kneel on the high platform, throw oneself into the ground, kowtow and knock the high platform wood "drumming" for three times.
After kowtowing, I don’t get up and keep kneeling. My body glides backwards and slides out of the high platform. This just makes my arms unfold and gently falls in front of Xu Zongzhu.
Xu Zongzhu Gao said, "I have seen Aquilaria real people."
Aoki Zongdi knelt down and shouted excitedly, "I’ve seen the real aloes." The Aoki victims were all sad, but the aloes really made it difficult to get to the magic road, and then Aoki’s morale rose again, and he was born with heroism in his grief.
"Fellow guests," Sun Haoyin said hoarsely, "Get up. The patriarch has left it to you. If you need Sun Haoru to do it, just say so."
Aoki Zong’s brothers said "Thank you, Aquilaria Reality" in high order, and then they got up and looked at the young monk standing beside Xu Zongzhu. It was difficult to hide their admiration and admiration.
Xu Zongzhu’s face appeared again, and he rushed to Sun Haogong to hand over "Thank you!"
With that, Xu Zongzhu stepped on his foot and flew to the high platform to preside over the funeral.
The funeral was solemn, solemn, sad and dull. Xu Zongzhu’s low voice echoed in Aoki Fairy Mountain for a long time. "The sun is full and Qian Shan’s bloody clothes are full, and he is drinking. Then he is in danger, and he is not fighting. The smoke is filled with smoke, and he has not seen rebirth. Who can cross the other shore …"
At the end of Aoki, Godsworn Qi followed Xu Zongzhu in a low voice and snorted. "It’s sunny and full of Qian Shan’s bloodstained clothes, and then he won’t fight in a crisis. The smoke is filled with smoke and there is no rebirth. Who can cross the other shore …"
After a ceremony of recounting the great contributions made by Qing Lao and Yu Chang to Aoki Sect, Xu Zongzhu stood and looked at Sun Hao slowly and said, "The last words of Qing Lao, an agarwood real person, are kept by you."
Say that finish hand a throw a golden disc to fly to Corleone.
Sun Hao took the disc in one hand and felt a shock in his heart. This is a patch for the sky. In front of him, I couldn’t help but think of the scene when I first saw young and old. My eyes were not wet.
While Xu Zongzhu at this time, he bowed slightly at Sun Hao and said slowly and heavily, "The agarwood reality will also invite you to preside over Aoki’s overall situation."
Sun Haoshen looked at the center with a slight shock again.
Xu Zongzhu’s face floated again, and his hands gently sighed at the arch around him and said, "You Taoist friends were seriously injured in the war, but this time you must leave with two old friends …"
At the end of Aoki, the friar stirred up a little.
Xu Zongzhu coughed a little bit of blood at the corner of his mouth and said, "You must not be impatient. After Zong Zong left, everything in Aoki was decided by the agarwood reality …"
With that, Xu Zongzhu slowly landed on the high platform and sat cross-legged beside Yu Qinglao. He said, "You and I, the old ghost, have lived and died together for many years. Today, we are brothers, but we are not wasting our lives." The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and finally the head hangs down in front of Yu Qinglao.
Bian Sun Hao gently said, "The patriarch is easy."
Aoki’s younger brother knelt down on one knee and said goodbye sadly. "The patriarch is easy to go" all over Xianshan
"Long Aoki inch by inch my heart; Sun Haoyin said slowly and hoarsely, "Aoki colleagues, we should remember today that the fallen Aoki spirit protected me, and Aoki Fairy Mountain handed me their deeds. Their spirit will inspire me from generation to generation."
A small flame appeared on Sun Hao’s fingernails. Sun Hao knelt on one knee, with only one finger and one bullet. The small flame flew to the high platform, and the dry wood was quickly ignited and crackled.
Sun Hao drank "worship" in a low voice.
Behind him Aoki Zongdi knelt down and kowtowed to see him off.
In the raging fire, the figures of the high tower Xu Zongzhu, Qing Lao, Yu Chang and Aunt Qin are looming, and the fire is burning more and more brightly, and the flames cover up the three bodies.
Smoke billowed from the high platform, which seemed to turn into a human shape. Sun Hao seemed to see two masters, the patriarch and Aunt Qin, all smiling and nodding, and then drifting away with the rolling heat wave.
Brother Aoki knelt down in front of the blazing fire and sang in a low voice, "Heaven and earth are yellow, the sun and the moon are shining;" Full moon Qian Shan drinks elixir; Phoenix nirvana goes straight to the other side; Phoenix nirvana goes straight to the other shore … "

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在快节奏的现代生活中,人们长时间面对电脑、手机等电子设备,眼睛承受着巨大的压力,导致视力疲劳、眼干、眼涩、眼疲劳等问题。为了缓解这些眼部不适,越来越多的人开始尝试眼部SPA,而位于从化的眼部SPA中心,以其独特的按摩放松手法和舒适的环境,成为缓解眼部压力的好去处。 从化眼部SPA中心,位于风景秀丽的从化区,这里环境优雅,空气清新,是放松身心的理想之地。中心引进了国际先进的眼部SPA设备,结合中医理论,采用专业的眼部按摩手法,为顾客提供全方位的眼部护理。 在从化眼部SPA中心,专业的技师会根据顾客的眼部状况,量身定制一套适合的SPA方案。首先,技师会为顾客进行眼部清洁,确保眼部肌肤干净、舒适。然后,使用具有舒缓、保湿、抗氧化等功效的眼部护理产品,对眼部进行深度滋养。 接下来,技师会运用专业手法,对眼部进行全方位的按摩。从眼睑、眼角、太阳穴到眼周肌肤,每一个部位都细致入微地按摩,让顾客感受到前所未有的放松。在按摩过程中,技师会结合轻柔的音乐,帮助顾客缓解压力,进入愉悦的放松状态。 从化眼部SPA中心的按摩手法独特,结合了中医的穴位按摩、指压、推拿等技法,能够有效缓解眼部疲劳,改善视力。技师在按摩过程中,会针对眼部周围的重要穴位进行重点按摩,促进眼部血液循环,缓解眼干、眼涩等问题。 除了按摩,从化眼部SPA中心还提供眼部熏蒸、眼部热敷等服务。通过蒸汽和热敷,可以进一步放松眼部肌肉,促进眼部血液循环,缓解眼部疲劳。 在从化眼部SPA中心,顾客还可以享受到舒适的环境。温馨的灯光、柔和的音乐、整洁的床铺,让人仿佛置身于仙境,忘却了生活的烦恼。在这里,顾客可以尽情享受眼部SPA带来的放松与愉悦。 总之,从化眼部SPA中心以其独特的按摩放松手法、舒适的环境和专业的服务,成为缓解眼部压力、改善眼部问题的理想之地。在这个快节奏的时代,不妨给自己一个机会,来到从化眼部SPA中心,让眼睛得到彻底的放松,重拾明亮的双眸。



广州,这座繁华的南国都市,不仅以其独特的文化底蕴和美食闻名,更以其高端的SPA接待服务吸引着无数寻求身心放松的游客和市民。在这里,尊享贵族体验不再是遥不可及的梦想,而是一种触手可及的现实。 步入广州的SPA会所,首先映入眼帘的是其精致典雅的环境。现代与传统元素的巧妙融合,营造出独特的氛围。高品质的装饰材料、华丽的灯光和细致的细节处理,呈现出无可挑剔的品质感。舒适的休息区、温馨的接待区和专业的护理室,每一个空间都展现着无与伦比的品味和独特性。 广州SPA会所注重为客人提供个性化定制的服务。专业团队会根据您的需求,为您量身打造专属的护理方案。从经典按摩、精油护理到身体疗养、面部护理,每一次疗程都将给您带来无与伦比的舒适和满足。在这里,您可以尽情享受护理的乐趣,远离喧嚣尘嚣,放松身心。 值得一提的是,广州SPA会所还提供私密性的护理空间,保障您的隐私和舒适感。无论是与伴侣共度浪漫时光,还是独自享受宁静的下午,这里都能满足您的需求。在专业的水疗师指导下,您将感受到一场身心的盛宴。 广州SPA会所地理位置优越,位于市中心的一座豪华建筑内。一踏入这个引人注目的SPA中心,您将被其精致的装潢和奢华的氛围所震撼。豪华的接待区和私密的休息区为您提供舒适和放松的环境。专业的工作人员将以热情的笑容迎接您的到来,为您提供个性化的服务和专业的建议,确保您得到最顶级的SPA体验。 在这里,您可以选择多种理疗疗程,如精油水疗、足浴按摩、港式按摩等。这些项目都是该中心的招牌服务,旨在为您带来身心的极致放松。专业的治疗师将运用专业的技巧和手法,为您打造一个私密而尊贵的疗养空间。 广州SPA会所的服务宗旨是让每一位客人都能在这里找到属于自己的宁静与舒适。在这里,您将感受到尊贵与奢华的融合,享受专业护理带来的愉悦和放松。无论是商务接待还是朋友聚会,这里都是您的不二之选。 总之,广州SPA接待为追求高品质生活的您提供了一个尊享贵族体验的平台。在这里,您可以尽情释放压力,享受身心愉悦的时光。不妨来广州的SPA会所,感受一番南国都市的尊贵魅力吧!



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