Although it seems that the catfish effect of Suiren Company is not too obvious at present, who can make it clear in the future as time goes by?


Box on the second floor of the restaurant
Huang Xiuyuan and Liu Xuedong are discussing some recent things while eating.
"Xuedong, where is your research on his multilateral silicon oxide now?"
Lu Xuedong wiped his mouth and said, "One discovery was that the third group responsible for this material in pentahedral silicon oxide synthesized a simple silicon two days ago."
"Simple silicon?" Huang Xiuyuan became interested.
Lu Xuedong explained that "it is a kind of special silicon, which is different from the previously discovered monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon, but is a kind of composition due to nine silicon elements."
Nine silicon elements?
Is it … Huang Xiuyuan thoughtfully, if there is no accident, it should be the silicon point in his memory.
The appearance of this silicon fraction was also the first new material made by multilateral silicon oxide at that time.
However, the appearance of this material has not attracted the attention of academic and industrial circles, and the road is not tall.
It was not until five years later that pentagonal silicon oxide was discovered to be special.
Chapter 49 Coating
As far as he knows, this silicon material is developed in a non-stick pan coating factory.
At that time, there was no difference between the common non-stick pan coatings on the market and the current ones, including Teflon coating, ceramic coating and silicone coating.
The most familiar and common non-stick pan coating is Teflon coating.
Actually, Teflon is the coating brand issued by DuPont, and PTFE is the non-stick pan coating.
Because DuPont company first put Teflon trademark non-stick coating, it became a general term for non-stick coating.
Similar to the black cyclone insecticide in Lingnan area, it is usually said that black cyclone is equivalent to spray insecticide.
These three mainstream non-stick pan coatings in the market have their own advantages and disadvantages, especially the Teflon coating, which has not been replaced, is indeed a potential safety hazard.
In the study of Teflon processing assistant-fluooctanoic acid phase, it is indeed related to some diseases
Dupont stopped production of Teflon containing fluooctanoic acid in 212 and adopted a new Teflon coating.
But the intriguing thing is that the production and sales of Teflon were banned in Maple Leaf Country for 7 years, America for 15 years and Xizhou Alliance for 17 years.
In the course of our life, we can avoid Teflon non-stick pan or try not to make our eating habits and high-temperature cooking may cause Teflon coating to produce some harmful substances at high temperature.
Therefore, a non-stick pan manufacturer in China has been committed to developing a new non-stick pan coating for 223 years.
After dinner.
Huang Xiuyuan and Liu Xuedong came to the third research group of Suiren together. After looking at the new silicon sub-structure, as expected, it was one of the materials in his memory.
What do you mean, a silicon 9 points? This material actually has three isomers. All three isomers have one thing in common, that is, they all have a hexagonal silicon.
They are orthosilicon 9, heterosilicon 9 and lateral silicon 9 respectively.
For the third group, a researcher encouraged them to make persistent efforts to study the 9-point characteristics of silicon.
Although it is known that the real difference among the three kinds of silicon 9 is that the positive silicon 9 can form a silicon nano-coating.
But since the third group is in charge, let them continue to study it in depth.
Sure enough, after a while, the third group found three isomers of silicon 9 and their synthesis process in the process of research.
When Huang Xiuyuan and Liu Xuedong came to the third group again, they found Zhengsi 9, and Li Ying, the group leader, reported excitedly.
"Huang Zong and Lu Zong can form a dense silicon nano-film on the metal surface by plating. This film has very strong adhesion and strength."
Lu Xuedong looked at the detailed report and found some data "not only the strength is very high, the melting point is 957 degrees Celsius, the chemical properties are stable, almost no ordinary substances react, but also the surface friction number of nano-coating is extremely low"
On one side of the workbench, there are more than a dozen objects, large and small, including iron sheets, aluminum sheets, stainless steel spoons, iron pots, aluminum pot, iron pipes and copper wires.
These things are covered with a semi-transparent crystal. Huang Xiuyuan picked up that copper wire and should have stripped a little force from it.
Finally, the copper wire was baiwan, but the nano-coating at the bend did not break, but maintained a smooth surface
Li Ying picked up a side blower and heated the bent copper wire. After being slightly heated, the copper wire was soaked in cold water and actually returned to its straight state.
Obviously, the orthosilicon 9 nanometer coating has certain memory material characteristics.
In the face of mechanical and physical damage, even the high hardness alloy drill bit needs to exert a very strong force to destroy the coating.
In the daily cooking process, it is almost impossible for human strength to destroy the coating even with a metal spatula and constant violent friction.

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