The place where the symbiosis contract is signed is like the decapitation platform. A hellhound will squat across the decapitation platform, and the residents brought back from the town will kneel on the decapitation platform. I will hold a magic scroll and everyone will ask questions next to the decapitation platform.


Are you willing to be the master of pain and the loyal servant of the artist Devil Durrell in the hell world? If you are willing to stoop, you will sign a symbiotic contract with this hellhound in front of you …’
Many people will scold me,’ get out of here, you disgusting mad dog!’
But those who scold me will be bitten by hellhound.
Then the body is dragged out to feed the hellhounds into their rations.
The audience at the back will continue to drag to the decapitation platform, and the ceremony will last for a long time. The more people are killed, the easier it will be for the people at the back to defend themselves. Before this cruel punishment, they will completely collapse and become hellhound contract partners.
Q: What do you want to make these demon servants? They can’t compare with those crypts in terms of combat power.
At first, it was easy to communicate. At that time, we gave complex instructions to these stupid hellhounds. They always couldn’t understand what we needed them to do. With these demon servants, we could communicate freely with hellhounds and control them better.
Q: Did those three hellhounds also climb out of the demon gate? )
(A: How is it possible that the demon gate can make the power equal to that of the first-class demon of Warcraft at most? However, if the hellhound eats too many people, it will evolve into the first to evolve a third head. The hellhound is called Bassa Muller, and it simply eats too many people.)
Surdak remembers this hellhound king, whose leather is still in a magic box in a lava mine.
Surdak didn’t understand the whole story until he saw the record behind this scroll.
In fact, the black wizards have been doing business for many years, and it can be said that Lord mcdonnell’s betrayal of Benahang Province is also instigated by these black wizards.
The main point is that Lord mcdonnell can destroy the door-sending and sever the Bena provincial alliance, so that the black wizards can break the demon door and let the low-order demons enter the dry cloth plane and hide in the snowy mountains.
Wait until you have a sufficient number of advantages, these low-order demons led by the black wizard captured Ake Town.
Of course, the main purpose of conquering Ake Town at that time was that a mummy of the demon king, which was divided into six parts, was actually hidden in the crypt and brought to the Ganbu plane.
In order to resurrect the evil king, the dark wizards captured Ake town with a population of about 150,000 and built an altar of life transformation.
It was this evil king who completely interrupted the dark wizards to train hellhounds. King crypt lord planned to collect more lives and train a large number of evil servants, and then drove hellhounds and crypts to occupy the eastern part of Sayram Plateau.
It was also during this period that a man with the name crypt lord named Doggens appeared in the crypt army.
At the same time, a hellhound king named Bassa Muller was born in the Helhound Corps.
The two of them led the exhibition battle of the First Legion of Lord mcdonnell in the western area of Sayruoman Plateau.
Bassa Muller, the evil dog king of hell, showed outstanding military talents in the battlefield, and won the trust of crypt lord and Engels. The first legion of the mcdonnell family suffered a defeat in the plateau battlefield and ran back to Mukuso in a mess.
The inferno army occupied Sayruoman.
According to the plan of the black wizards, it is to prepare for the development of Sayruoman Plateau for a period of childhood. After the inferno team grows, the evil king can really come to Ganbu plane, and then seize Mukuso City at one stroke.
However, it has been restless. After the head altar of the evil king regained its strength, it was forced to occupy a knight’s body and successfully sneaked into the city of Mukuso in the army of Lord mcdonnell …
The demon king was worried that the mcdonnell family would finally send the goalkeeper Bena legion into the dry cloth plane and be able to rebuild the delivery door. There were those magicians, so the impulsive demon king directly slaughtered the magic union of Mukuso City. Unfortunately, the last step was to take himself in and collapse the showroom, occupying the body and being torn to pieces by the storm, leaving the head of the demon body.
Probably summoned by the demon king, crypt lord Doggens and the hellhound king Bassa Muller ignored the dark wizards to dissuade them from calling 300,000 low-level demons to attack Mukuso.
The first legion fled all the way back to Mukuso …
The latter thing is very clear to Suldak. Adler mcdonnell abandoned the city and then led the heavily armored infantry regiment Mukuso City to hold on for five days, and finally successfully repaired Mukuso’s delivery door to resist the inferno army.
Surdak closed the file and closed his eyes. Only then did he deeply feel that there seemed to be a fine line between success and failure …
If the crypt army had occupied the city of Mukuso and released the head of the demon king in the magic tower, I’m afraid the war would be another situation now, and it would certainly not have gone hand in hand to clean up the remaining inferno army like this.
Surdak sat up from the sofa and re-bundled the sheepskin scrolls in his hand and pinched his eyes.
It’s getting dark when he leaves the town hall of Ake Town.
Surdak, who arrived in Ake town this time and had no experience in fighting, didn’t need to carry out post-war rescue work, and the heads of various infantry regiments scribbled and cleaned the town, and he didn’t need to run over and tell people what to do, but he was at leisure.
Back to the tent, Surdak went through the virtual door …
Chapter 162 Holy Armor
Several kobold slaves are holding candles and cutting a stone wall in a lava mine.
They are hairy and clawed with flat shovels and craftsmen hammer mottled rock walls to cut out a row of square frames, which have been completed for a while and have been placed in a row.
These books were all brought out from the archaeological museum in the north of Vorimara on the plane of Surdakmaka.
Aphrodite picked some from many books and asked the kobolds to dig rows of lava caves to put them in.
Now this lava mine has been transformed into a living room by Aphrodite. The only trouble is that a salamander will climb out from the depths of the lava mine from time to time. However, these salamanders have become more honest recently. Every time the two-headed ogre wants to taste the food like the neck meat of the salamander, Surdak has to go deep into the cave to catch it.
The population of salamander lava cave is gradually shrinking, which forces them to migrate to the deepest part of lava cave.
Another disadvantage of Aphrodite’s bedroom is that the entrance to the lava mine is private behind the lava waterfall, but because it is a mine and there is no gate, you can walk into the mine along the stone wall behind the waterfall.
The succubus also thought about building a gate at the entrance of the mine, but in this way, the lava mine will become a closed mine. There are several lava pools and hot air coming out of the ground. Once a gate is built, it will immediately become a hot steamer.
It is for this reason that Aphrodite called a group of kobold slaves to carve a living room at the entrance of the mine.
Aphrodite is lying on the rattan chair by the lava pool, and her face is covered with magic. On the right hand side of the stone platform of Contract Call, there are still some magic faces, which are impressively a classic example of the matrix structure of magic elements, but these faces are all crude and difficult to understand.
If the dark wizards in the priory can understand the fine language, they will know what was missed in the museum of Maca plane ruins.
Heard a familiar footsteps Aphrodite will face magic back up and turned to Surdak asked.
"Not to say that the gram town will be busy for a while? Why did you come here today? "
She waved to the kobold slave crouching near the fire, and the bitch immediately came up with her fat ass and two cups of hot tea.
Surdak took a cup of hot tea and sat on the stone pier by the lava pool to tell Aphrodite about seeing the altar and locking the body of the evil king during the day.
Aphrodite looks a little ugly. Surdak can feel that her heart is full of fear.
Hear Surdak holy light will purify the magic body of the altar before patting the choppy chest and breathing a sigh of relief.
Lying on the rattan chair, the succubus turned over and put his hands on the rattan chair to lie on his back, explaining to Surdak
"The demon clan in hell is higher than the succubus clan in terms of status and mastery of power. They can torture him by cruel means. The low-level inferno will be resurrected in extreme pain, which is the most powerful power of the demon. The demon king is even more terrible than the level 6 Warcraft."
"For us succubus clan, it’s soul suppression. They often go to the territory to catch some people. The succubus clan magic won’t work on the evil king. Fortunately, you got rid of its body."
A magic robe was worn out by Aphrodite, and she felt a large amount of delicate skin on the neckline. Her eyes narrowed and people could not help but touch her head.
Surdak didn’t say doubt in my heart at this time.

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