And he was ready to squeeze out the dragon shadow and go south.


Luo Yu’s voice just fell, and before she reached the direction of the dense forest Chinese medicine garden, a terrible cry came!
"Ah ~ Luo Yu, don’t you dare to violate the rules ~!"
Obviously, Luo Yu’s previous set of flowing patterns is full of routines.
See at the moment after a chicken fly a dog to jump in the depths of the back forest, Yujing boy is furious and growls again.
"Ah ~ ghost skyfire! Bad old man … You wait … Little master will come back ~! "
Click ~!
Then all the purple snakes emerged from the dense forest, and suddenly they were scattered in the sea of clouds and disappeared …!
The imperial sword stood on the mountain outside the room, and Luo Yu suddenly stopped frowning and wondered, "Can this young man escape from Dan Lao?"
Obviously, Luo Yu didn’t think that this self-proclaimed’ day’ purple pupil teenager could escape from the hands of the Venerable Master in Dan Lao! You know, when Qiu Shuihuang and others came to make trouble, they suffered heavy casualties for a moment, and those people were all strong in the shadow and the ghost!
And although this purple pupil boy is extremely good at controlling lightning and has the fate of mountains and seas, it is obvious that he is not as strong as Qiu Shuihuang and others, or is it like escaping from Dan Lao?
I’m going to design veteran Dan to catch this person and ask him what the plan is.
At this moment, it is urgent to ponder, and after a while, he has to temporarily suppress his doubts and step in the direction of Zhao Guodu in the southwest.
Taohuacun lotus pond house
Now, although Taohua Village is devastated and dilapidated, the small lotus pond building is still as new. It should be because someone has renovated it and cleaned it regularly.
And the peach stone bench in this chic little hedge yard has a teenager who is still immature but sitting up and holding a thick bamboo slip and watching it carefully.
At this time, the murmuring of birds and flowers in the peach blossom valley is accompanied by the youth’s clearness, which has been silent for more than ten years. The lotus pond building in the peach blossom village once again rings like a whirl …
This young man is the rear instrument of Luoyu’s renaming.
Bai Lianxing returned to Xiaozhu to tell the story, and after considering the subtlety of Daoluo Feather Todd, they discussed it and decided not to inform others and Yanyu Pavilion for the time being.
Mo Lai, the bodhi old zu, considered that Luo Yu’s dragon shadow was extremely fast, so he decided to go to Zhaodu first, but Bai Lianxing, Xiao Fan, Mo Zhuang, Baicheng Sangkeer and others were left to go to Zhaodu by Wei Shang’s Lei Yin shuttle.
But Xiao Luoyun, who boarded the lowest shuttle repair in Lei Yin, was kicked by Wei! The laudatory name says,’ Your brother Luoyu urged his nephew Fang Yi to look after this lotus pond building at the same time …’
I don’t want to be reluctant. Xiao Luoyun doesn’t have the skills of Luo Yu’s mouth gun. I can’t fight and fight, but I can’t accept it.
Moreover, he is also a little uneasy about Luo Yu’s new second brother after drunkenness. Because of this little reticence, you will know that he has a deep mind. Plus Fang Yi’s real magic is having an affair with Wu Ma’s remnants. Xiao Luoyun feels that he has to guard against heavy responsibilities and has a long way to go ~!
Nowadays, everything is like a dehydrated dead fish lying on its back in a peach tree lounge chair, looking up at heaven and lamenting endlessly.
While Fang Yi frowned intentionally while watching this little uncle who looks like a pool of mud.
After watching it for a while, he listened to the reclining chair creaking and finally failed to resist saying, "Uncle, you can’t sit in that chair."
"hmm ~?" Small cloud side head Chou the frown little nephew immediately took a white eye and continued to close the eyes. "I can’t sit. Can you sit? Hey ~ "
Fang Yi’s frown deepened. He insisted, "Brother can’t sit down. That’s grandmaster’s seat."
Smelling this, Xiao Luoyun suddenly spewed out because he was so full that he had nowhere to spread his anger.
"Holy shit ~!" He jumped up and pointed at Fang Yi unhappily. "Even you little Wu Ma dare to bully me?"
Wuma looked up at the little ShiShu and retorted, "The teacher has given me a name and changed my name to Fang Yi."
"Fang Yi? Hey ~ "Xiao Luoyun’s arms are holding his chest and his eyes are wide open." Even if my brother changes your surname, it won’t change your body. It’s Wuma’s evil blood. "
Smelling this, Wu Ma’s eyes trembled and endured for a moment. After that, he hung his head and held on to the bamboo slips and said, "Although the child’s body flows with Wu Ma’s blood, it is not an evil spirit."
When Xiao Luoyun saw it, he pushed the bamboo slips on the stone table and laughed. "Don’t you say that I, Luoyun, will always stare at you on behalf of my brother. If I find out that you have any bad intentions, I will definitely make you look good."
Fang Yi looked at Luoyun with a face of injustice and then at the messy bamboo slips on the stone table, then buried his head and looked depressed and muttered, "… it’s not like I won’t take you there and take it out on me …"
As soon as Luoyun saw that his mind was seen through by this little thing, he was not willing immediately.
Think about yourself, but he’s serious, and he won’t look up and see you in the future. Will it be okay if this little thing goes smoothly in the future?
Thinking of this, his eyes rolled and he was shocked and asked, "Little nephew! What are you doing? "
Chapter 364 Death cycle was shocked to hear that Luo Yu died.
"Little nephew! What are you doing? "
Fang Yi looked up doubtfully and held out the bamboo slips at the same time, puzzled and said, "Look at it according to the teacher’s instructions!"
"Hum ~ Don’t lie to me!" Luo Yun squints and touches Ba Gu’s face. "Say ~! Are you secretly watching any witchcraft? "
"Er …?" Fang Yi was silent, and he immediately understood ShiShu’s mood … still not finished.
Seeing that this little nephew doesn’t talk, Luo Yun suddenly has to make a conclusion, "Well, it’s good to admit it."
Fang Yi shocked "ShiShu! When did I admit it? "

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广州,这座繁华的南国都市,不仅以其独特的文化底蕴和美食闻名,更以其高端的SPA接待服务吸引着无数寻求身心放松的游客和市民。在这里,尊享贵族体验不再是遥不可及的梦想,而是一种触手可及的现实。 步入广州的SPA会所,首先映入眼帘的是其精致典雅的环境。现代与传统元素的巧妙融合,营造出独特的氛围。高品质的装饰材料、华丽的灯光和细致的细节处理,呈现出无可挑剔的品质感。舒适的休息区、温馨的接待区和专业的护理室,每一个空间都展现着无与伦比的品味和独特性。 广州SPA会所注重为客人提供个性化定制的服务。专业团队会根据您的需求,为您量身打造专属的护理方案。从经典按摩、精油护理到身体疗养、面部护理,每一次疗程都将给您带来无与伦比的舒适和满足。在这里,您可以尽情享受护理的乐趣,远离喧嚣尘嚣,放松身心。 值得一提的是,广州SPA会所还提供私密性的护理空间,保障您的隐私和舒适感。无论是与伴侣共度浪漫时光,还是独自享受宁静的下午,这里都能满足您的需求。在专业的水疗师指导下,您将感受到一场身心的盛宴。 广州SPA会所地理位置优越,位于市中心的一座豪华建筑内。一踏入这个引人注目的SPA中心,您将被其精致的装潢和奢华的氛围所震撼。豪华的接待区和私密的休息区为您提供舒适和放松的环境。专业的工作人员将以热情的笑容迎接您的到来,为您提供个性化的服务和专业的建议,确保您得到最顶级的SPA体验。 在这里,您可以选择多种理疗疗程,如精油水疗、足浴按摩、港式按摩等。这些项目都是该中心的招牌服务,旨在为您带来身心的极致放松。专业的治疗师将运用专业的技巧和手法,为您打造一个私密而尊贵的疗养空间。 广州SPA会所的服务宗旨是让每一位客人都能在这里找到属于自己的宁静与舒适。在这里,您将感受到尊贵与奢华的融合,享受专业护理带来的愉悦和放松。无论是商务接待还是朋友聚会,这里都是您的不二之选。 总之,广州SPA接待为追求高品质生活的您提供了一个尊享贵族体验的平台。在这里,您可以尽情释放压力,享受身心愉悦的时光。不妨来广州的SPA会所,感受一番南国都市的尊贵魅力吧!



标题:广州SPA小姐专业团队,打造一流按摩体验 摘要:在繁忙的都市生活中,寻找一处能够放松身心、舒缓压力的场所显得尤为重要。广州SPA小姐专业团队,凭借其精湛的技艺和贴心的服务,为您打造一流的按摩体验,让您在繁忙的生活中找到一片宁静的天地。 正文: 广州,这座充满活力的城市,不仅以其繁华的商业氛围著称,更以其高品质的休闲娱乐服务闻名。在这座城市中,SPA已成为都市人追求健康、享受生活的重要方式。而广州SPA小姐专业团队,正是以其卓越的服务品质,赢得了广大消费者的青睐。 一、专业团队,技艺精湛 广州SPA小姐专业团队汇聚了一批技艺精湛、经验丰富的按摩师。她们经过严格的培训,熟练掌握各种按摩手法,如泰式按摩、瑞典按摩、中式按摩等,能够根据每位顾客的需求,提供个性化的服务。 二、贴心服务,温暖如家 广州SPA小姐专业团队深知,优质的服务不仅仅是技艺的展示,更是情感的传递。因此,她们在服务过程中,始终以顾客为中心,关注每一位顾客的需求,用温暖的笑容和贴心的服务,为顾客营造一个舒适、放松的环境。 三、环境优雅,舒适宜人 广州SPA小姐专业团队所在的SPA中心,环境优雅、舒适宜人。宽敞明亮的大厅、温馨舒适的休息区、独具匠心的装饰,让您在踏入的那一刻,就能感受到放松和愉悦。…



在繁华的都市生活中,人们往往因为忙碌的工作和快节奏的生活而忽略了身心的健康。广州,这座充满活力的城市,也为忙碌的人们提供了一种放松身心的方式——蓝屿SPA。蓝屿SPA以其专业的按摩技术和个性化的服务,为您量身定制按摩方案,让您在繁忙的生活中找到一片宁静的天地。 走进蓝屿SPA,仿佛进入了一个远离喧嚣的世界。这里的环境舒适优雅,宽敞明亮的大厅、柔和的灯光、轻柔的音乐,营造出一种宁静、放松的氛围。专业的技师团队,凭借丰富的经验和精湛的技艺,为每一位顾客提供量身定制的按摩方案。 蓝屿SPA的按摩项目丰富多样,包括经典的按摩、推拿、热石理疗、身体护理、面部护理等。针对不同需求,技师会为您推荐最适合的项目。以下是一些特色按摩项目,让您感受蓝屿SPA的专业与用心: 1. 经典按摩:采用传统中医按摩手法,结合现代按摩技巧,舒缓肌肉疲劳,改善血液循环,让您在轻松愉悦的氛围中享受全身心的放松。 2. 推拿:以中医推拿为基础,运用多种手法,对全身穴位进行按摩,促进气血流通,缓解压力,改善睡眠。 3. 热石理疗:选用天然火山石,经过高温加热后,将石头放在身体各个部位,利用石头的热力渗透到肌肉深处,缓解肌肉紧张,改善关节疼痛。 4.…