When the huge blue light particles were absorbed, the light suddenly changed gradually.


It’s just a blink of an eye, and the loose silver has grown into three thousand silver wires, and the room for leakage seems to be Chuanhe Waterfall.
The original hair is angry and golden, and the pupil color flashes like a beast, which makes the ice cold even more frightening.
Aging skin also becomes white and smooth, face water chestnut divides eyebrows like meniscus and lips like cherry.
The height has also grown a lot in this moment, but now it is two heads taller than Yun Qing’s chest.
There was a wind blowing from the blue light particles in the room, which made Brahma’s inky clothes ring. When all the light particles disappeared, he moved his neck as usual.
Look shocked has words tell her that she saw Brahma rejuvenation chapter 85 (3)
And ….. also turned into a man who lost to Helan Xun’s charm.
"This is my face! Because the spiritual force maintains the enchantment, the body will age, but when the spiritual force returns to the body, it will return to its original shape. "
It seems to be aware that when Yun Qing doubts that Brahma’s eyebrows are bent, it is different from the smile when he was an old man. Now, this smile will be attracted to a girl who is in love.
That smile seems to contain too much emotion.
From YunQing slightly amazing sigh a "don’t you gods grow so handsome"
Helan Xun is also a handsome man, and there are few who can match him.
Brahma was a little stunned and then pulled out a smile. "God and Snow God are the most in the six realms."
It’s like thinking of good memories of the past and some sadness flowing through my eyes.
How long ago was this …
Seeing Brahma’s eyes overflow with sadness and leave Yun Qing in vain, I feel a little sad in my heart.
It’s the first time to meet someone, as if we’ve been together for a long time.
"It’s just a change of soul, but it’s even so hard." Change the subject from Yun Qing and ask to hide my sadness.
Brahma slightly twisted his eyebrows and shook his head. "No, no, no, no, no,no. You can also perform surgery, but … you hesitated, right? Just now, you were scared when I said that your memory might be replaced. "
Li Yun-ching restrained himself and retorted with a false smile.
Not afraid of being false.
Because she is not her now, but she has occupied the original owner’s body and erased the original owner’s memory.
Make this pair of bodies become her alone and the trace of the original owner disappears.
Even though souls should be one, they are independent individuals, aren’t they?
If her memory is swallowed up, she will no longer be like Yun Qing.
Thought of here, my heart felt a bad cold, and even my breathing was a little short.
Brahma didn’t say anything. He extended his index finger and waved it gracefully.
A little silver light bloomed, and the fingertips reached out and touched the eyebrows from Yun Qing.
Can you want to flash away when you see Brahma reaching out and leaving Yun Qing?
But when she saw the pity in Brahma’s eyes, her body did not move.
"Wisdom is pure, mind is peaceful, three souls are permanently lost." Brahma Tianlang read the forbidden spell.
From Yun Qing’s forehead, the plum blossom-shaped spiritual source array gave off a light, and the fluorescence at Brahma’s fingertips disappeared into her forehead.
From Yun Qing, I feel warm on my forehead, as if I were wrapped in the sun.
"I sealed your memory. When you wake up, the seal will be lifted automatically. But if your willpower is not strong enough and you are caught by the dream charm and break the seal, I can’t restore your memory." Brahma simply said that golden eye didn’t have any mood swings.
From say that clear to reveal a puzzled expression "what to do? If my soul chooses Snow God and her memory is swallowed, won’t she be able to come back? "

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