After sobbing for a moment, the clouds smoked and nodded, "Let’s just follow me to get blood."


Just as Yi Yu and Luo Yunxun were about to leave, they suddenly heard the double-body leader shout, "Wait a minute!"
"oh? I don’t know if the double-body leader still gives advice, but have you repented again? " Yi Yu looked at the double hierarch hand lightly, but it was already on the hilt.
The double leader laughed. "General Wang Jian doesn’t believe us either. I will believe you again."? If you and this woman get some blood to fool us for a while, we can’t tell if something bad happens then, even if they kill you afterwards. "
Yi Yu said with a smile, "That’s true. I don’t know if the leader has a good plan?"
Two-body teaching advocate: "The best way to talk about is not to invite the princess temple here to take blood face to face. Since we can’t do it ourselves and see it with our own eyes, let’s do it!" Only then can we believe that it is true. "
Yi Yu looked at Luoyun Xun and Wang Jian and asked, "I don’t know what you think of this method?"
Wang Jian said, "It is reasonable to have such doubts."
Falling clouds smoked also nai nodded his head.
Yi Yu nodded and said, "In that case, please come here to the Princess Temple according to the leader’s words." Then she said to Luoyun Fumen, "Please come again." Luoyun Fumen sighed and said nothing more, and turned to the island.
Yi Yu looked at the gentle and graceful back channels in the heart that left the falling clouds. "I don’t know what this imperial princess really looks like." Is it more beautiful than this falling cloud? However, it’s really funny to say that this famous celestial god in Japan turned out to be this beautiful little girl! "
Yi Yuchao smiled at Cha Shuangying. "If you don’t wait for the Princess Hall at this time, let me guess what the three seniors want with this imperial blood?"
Cha Shuangying laughed. "That’s a good idea. It can also relieve boredom, but if you guess right, I have nothing to lose."
Do you want to … Resurrect many dissenting Confucian! ……”
When everyone heard this, they were startled to check the double shadow and laughed. "You really dare to think about everything!"
Yi Yu laughed. "Of course it’s impossible. If so, I’m afraid it’s not to take some blood. Even killing General Wang Jian in this Princess Hall won’t stop it."
Wang Jian hum a also did not buy.
Yi Yu connected, "But since Wu Anjun and Wang Jian predecessors didn’t stop this veteran, Wang Jian predecessors came out to protect the princess. Presumably, this matter should also be nothing too big with Daqin, which requires both the blood of many dissenters and Daqin. This scope will be reduced a lot …" Say that finish, Yi Yu also did not know what to do for two quick laughs.
The double-body leader looks a little ugly and stares coldly at Yi Yudao. "Did you guess?"
Yi Yu suddenly showed an epiphany. "Oh … I didn’t guess!" "
"You! How dare you fool me? !” The double-body leader angrily pointed to Yi Yu’s eyes, and it was almost bursting with fire. But now the main task has not been completed, but he can also suppress his anger without serious hands-on.
Yi Yu light say with smile "why do I brush you? Didn’t you just want to kill me and take it out on me? You and I are destined to be enemies, but you didn’t do it when the situation broke! "
"Hum!" Double leader cold hum a also no longer speak but in the eyes of malicious crime color is no longer hide for a moment all the people were silent to no one to talk.
A moment later, I saw that the island flew out of two figures. It was just now that she had gone to the clouds and smoked, and she was a little behind hand. She was also a very beautiful woman. Seeing this woman wearing a pink palace dress with a wide belt moving with the wind was very elegant. Although the nepotism was complicated, the long skirt was close to the body, but it could also show that the perfect figure was concave and convex and exquisite, and the waist was black and long, but the bun pattern was tied behind her at random, but it showed more restrained smart and beautiful facial features. Unfortunately, the only fly in the ointment was that those eyes were beautiful and beautiful.
Until now, Yi Yu finally understood what the falling clouds would walk in front of and what she would hold the hand of the princess temple! At this time, when Yi Yu looked at those beautiful big eyes but focused on the front, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart like a knife!
Yi Yu gently caressed her waist and kept whispering. Qin Jian sighed softly, "Do you feel the breath of the old master, too?"
Suddenly, the princess behind the falling cloud smoked slightly wrinkled a few times. Her charming little nose seemed to be trying to smell something. In a short time, the princess hall showed an excited look and pulled the falling cloud smoked arm with excitement. "Sister Yun! I smell that my father is back, and my father has come to see Yang Zi … "
Falling clouds smoked a slight ash, but she quickly reacted and looked at Yi Yu or looked at Yi Yu’s waist. Jian Qin couldn’t help crying again.
Almost at the same time, Yi Yu was shocked. He looked at the princess who had already released the clouds and smoked Yang Zi, just like the puppy who was looking forward to her master’s return home. However, after all, she could not accurately determine the position only by smell, and her direction was slightly worse.
It is absolutely impossible to get such a person who doesn’t know all the details when meeting for the first time so close if we follow Yi Yuping’s constancy. But at this moment, he actually took a step to the right and let the excited princess Yang Zi just throw herself into his arms. At this time, Yi Yu’s expression still seems to have never moved at all.
At this time, Yi Yu’s heart has been like a pot. "How did this happen? ! I’m Yi Yu! Not Ying Zheng, this Yang Zi is poor, but she is not my daughter … "Yi Yu wants to push the girl in his arms out, but at this time his arm is like lead, and he can’t lift his head.
Princess Yangzi rubbed along while in Yi Yuhuai’s arms but didn’t respond with some bitterness. "Why doesn’t dad hold Yangzi?" Don’t Yangzi stop liking Yangzi when he can’t see his father? " With that, her big eyes, with their beautiful holes, have a tendency to flood.
Looking at the miserable girl in her arms, Yi Yu suddenly held Yang Zi princess tightly in her arms like a demon. It seemed that Yi Yu was afraid that she was running away. She hugged the beauty in her arms hard, and that Yang Zi princess felt a little uncomfortable although her face was flushed with suppress, but her face showed a happy smile.
"Dad, Sister Yun told Yang Zi that you had gone far away and asked Yang Zi to wait for him, saying that you would come back one day and wait for Yang Zi! Wait! ……”
Yi Yu gently said, "I won’t wait any longer after Yang Zi. Dad will never part with Yang Zi again after he has come back."
Princess Yangzi smiled happily, and there was no pity like that just now. "Dad can’t lie!"
Yi Yu barely smiled and laughed. "No …"
"well! Yang Zi believes in Dad! When dad left, he told Yang Zi that Yang Zi did a good job! " But Yi Yu didn’t notice that at this time, leaning against the girl in his arms, he inadvertently revealed a sad smile. It seems that he already knew that the person holding her at this time was not actually her father, but he still didn’t want to admit this cruel fact.

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