"Blare …" Xiaojing Yao stroppy leng refused to go out of the hole.


Chi Yao can’t say either good or bad, but he can’t let Xiaojing Yao come out. In a hurry, he directly patted Jingmuyun’s shoulder "wood"
"…" JingMuYun glanced at ChiYao and then walked to the front of Xiaojing Yao. The majestic momentum immediately radiated and the aura of the earth.
Xize looked at Xiao Jingyao with some worries and then said to Chi Yao, "Won’t the baby be scared?" As far as the commander is concerned, few adults can stand it, let alone such a small doll
"It’s okay. She listens to her dad." Chi Yao explained.
Xiaojing Yao looked up at Jingmuyun, a behemoth. Tears were wronged and wandered around in his big eyes. "Oooo …" Why should a birthday be tossed like this?
"Can’t you go?" Jingmuyun rushed Xiaojing Yao and said
"Well," Xiao Jingyao was obviously more afraid of his father, who took a look at Jing Muyun and then reached out his hands to play the woman and said, "hug."
Jingmuyun squatted down to Xiaojingyuan and walked into Jingmuyun’s arms. It was still very wronged to pout and let Jingmuyun pick himself up. "Don’t cry. Today is your birthday." He wiped tears from Xiaojingyuan’s eyes. "Okay, let’s go."
They have been delayed for a long time because of Xiao Jing’s awkwardness.
"Is the commander still so dependent on him for the baby?" Xize said that it was incredible.
Chi Yao smiled. "Yes, if it’s a woman, no one can refuse the commander …" After all, this man is very secure. Xiaojing Yao is in awe, but he still likes being held by Jingmuyun.
Jing Muyun looked back with her daughter and saw the two men talking in a novel, "What are you whispering about?"
"Nothing to say"
Jing Muyun took them to a five-star hotel, which had been packed. Many people were sitting at the round table waiting for the protagonist to arrive today. Yufeng looked at the door. "Ah, the protagonist is coming!"
When they looked at the door, they saw that the little princess was in the arms of the tall and slender man.
It’s strange for Ouyang Jun to see Xiao Jingyao. "Wow, the little princess is cute."
Yu Kai looked at Yu Feng and Zhu Xiaoxuan. "You have to hurry for me, too."
ZhuXiaoXuan embarrassed smile out of Yufeng is blunt his dad smiled "what’s the hurry?"
"Don’t worry!" Reputation Kay didn’t good the spirit stared at the son.
The political commissar also came and saw a lot of Xiao Jingyao growing up. He immediately went to pinch Xiao Jingyao’s little face. "Do you remember me, little princess?"
Xiaojing took one look at the political commissar and immediately turned away.
"Ha ha!"
Dongfang Qing smiled a few times and then said, "Master Yu is ready for the little princess to draw lots." Everyone actually wants to know what Xiaojing will do after he leaves.
There are many things around the table in front of them, such as brushes, spoons and pens … Chi Yao looked at "Why is there my poster?"
"Let’s see if the little princess will become a superstar like her mother," Yukai said with a smile. "There are pistols, but it shouldn’t be possible for me to put them far away." It’s impossible for a girl to like guns.
Chi Yao put Xiaojing Yao in the center of the round table, and there are a series of things around it, almost all occupations should be put in front of him. Good things are close to Xiaojing Yao, so whichever one you choose will have a bright future.
"Come to Xiaoyao to choose one for mom." Chi Yao pointed to the props around her.
Xiaojing Yao sat at the round table and looked at everyone. Chi Yao was puzzled by what she had to choose. In her opinion, these things didn’t seem to be what she liked.
"Take one of your favorite things to mom."
Xiaojing looked around in a circle and didn’t see her favorite thing. She said, "Car, car …" She likes small military vehicles, but there isn’t one here.
"Car … does the little princess want to be a racing driver?" Yu feng aside small asked
"This profession …" Yu Kai frowned. Although he didn’t mean to discriminate, racers would be more vulnerable.
Xiao Jingyao looked around again, picked up a pen in front of him and looked at it. Yu Kai shouted, "Pen master, teacher!" " This is not bad for a girl.
Section 247
Who knows Xiaojing Yao looked at it and lost it? Obviously, he was not interested and didn’t know how Xiaojing Yao’s sight suddenly fell on the farthest black pistol. It was Ouyang Jun’s pistol. Xiaojing Yao stared at it and immediately got up and started walking towards the pistol.
"Ah … no" Ouyang Jun saw that she couldn’t help calling one.
The outermost pistol was held in Xiao Jingyao’s hand. After playing it for a long time, she smiled and looked at Chi Yao. "Ma Ma!"
This ….. Even if chosen?
A pistol represents a policeman or a soldier … or a commander? No way!

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