Asking for tickets


Chapter 23 News Moran Reservoir Incident
PS, er, I didn’t pay attention to the late update today. It’s just past two o’clock in the code word. I hope the recommended votes won’t go up. It’s sad to see that I’m updating this quickly and diligently, but I don’t recommend a weekend. Push it.
No, I don’t want a teacher. You want to eat, I’ll do it again one day. You can get Tang Yi’s praise for how much you do. The little uneasiness in Ken’s girl’s heart disappeared, and a raging fire of confidence transpired from her chest. She made a fist with her little hand and waved it violently, emphasizing her determination.
In Xiao Qing’s view, this is no problem. In Tang Yi’s view, this life is just to make yourself happy. There is still nothing wrong with it, but in Janice’s view, Xiao Qing’s remarks are not interesting.
You can do as much as you want the teacher to do. What is this? Maybe this little girl has bad intentions for Qiaoqiao, but she is so old. Is this little girl precocious?
Soon Tang Yi scattered his girlfriend in Janice and listed Xiao Qing as the key survey object. Although she has not yet become a Tang Yi scattered his girlfriend, she is confident that she will take the initiative to disperse Tang Yi again. It is absolutely impossible to run away.
Tang Yi scattered the cake box and took a look at the wall clock. It’s past seven o’clock. If we wait for more than half an hour, it will be dark. At that time, although the road will light up, Tang Yi will still not walk at night. He is a sensitive person. Walking at night is also very stressful and she is not dark.
Teacher Xiao Qing, it’s time to go back. Let’s see you in the sand. Tang Yi can take a cup and drink it off. How come your mother hasn’t come back after seven o’clock?
I don’t know when she will come back. Xiao Qing shook his head and followed him. He grabbed his black pocket from Tang Yi. Teacher Tang, let me go to your house today. I haven’t been there yet.
I can’t. Look at Xiao Qing’s face. I hope I can’t go because I refuse. He sighs. Girls will make a poor face, big or small. Your mother doesn’t know that she can’t go.
Teacher Tang, just let me go, okay? Xiao Qing grabbed her pocket and put it behind her, hopping around and playing tricks on Tang Yi, ran to the side of the words, picked up the words and said in a coquetry way while broadcasting the number. Then I’ll talk to my mother first and tell her if it’s okay. Just let me go and at least take a look at Teacher Tang.
Tang Yi rubbed his eyebrows and meditated. Xiao Qing asked that although some things were out of line with some nonsense, he could refute it by one, that is, her mother didn’t know that she couldn’t go, but Xiao Qingzheng got her opinion. Besides, Xiao Qing has an identity besides her own life. She is her own employer. This tutor is good or not, but it’s up to her to decide whether even a good tutor refuses to accept words. Although Tang Yi knows that Xiao Qing won’t turn against herself because of this, Xiao Qing has just refused to give herself a cake. It’s really speechless.
Sighed Tang Yi straightened up and put his teacup on the side table. Okay, but I can’t stay too long. I’ll send you back.
I knew Mr. Tang, you would definitely agree to let go of Chinese. Xiao Qing was too lazy to dial any more. He jumped up in a hurry and ran back to his room. He picked up his cute little mobile phone and put it in his pocket. Then he ran Tang Yi into the living room. Mr. Tang, let’s go. Let’s go to your room. I heard you hum.
Qiaoqiao, do you really want to take her home? Janice looked at Xiao Qing’s face when he skipped up the stairs now.
Well, Xiao Qing, be careful. Don’t fall. Tang Yi nodded and pushed one eye and walked the stairs with steady steps. Although she was a little naughty, she was still a good girl. Marry me. There is no problem. I’ll send her back as soon as I wait.
Janice opened her eyes wide and squinted at Xiao Qing, who jumped up the stairs, but she was going to your house. I’m going too.
No, Janice, stop that now and go home. It is impossible for you and I to look at the stairs lightly. Tang Yi’s tone is calm as if talking about drinking water for dinner.
Give it up, Janice. You and I can be good friends, but we can never be lovers. Isn’t it great now? Tang Yi is talking flatly and has finished the stairs. Old man Feng smiled at the distant gatekeeper. Old man Feng, I’m back. What’s the news today?
Old man Feng took a sip of chrysanthemum tea and said with a smile, the news is quite sensational. Yesterday, there was a sudden rainstorm in Moran Reservoir, and a medium-sized truck and a commercial vehicle were also split and exploded. Fourteen people were killed in the crew, and even Liu Qi, the star, was killed. This has made headlines. Hey hey, this rainstorm is really strange. Didn’t you go there yesterday, Xiao Tang?
Well, I saw Xiao Qinggang in the past, and it was cloudy before our car. The rain drenched the two of us like a fire hydrant leaking. Tang Yi scattered his face and smiled without moving, but a biting cold came from behind, and fifteen people were killed by lightning. These guys were cruel enough.
Xiao Qingtang looked at each other with a grin and pulled his clothes without saying anything, as if he had no heart for such things.
Go building Tang Yi scattered and looked back, followed by Janice, slightly guilty. Xiao Qing walked beside her, took a deep breath and whispered that Janice went back to take a bath and then sang a song. When he got up, he was blindfolded and slept, and everything was gone.
Farewell to Janice Tang Yi scattered finally relieved that some cool behind intuition turned out to be a cold sweat caused by the moment of dialogue just now between old man Feng and Tang Yi took Xiao Qing slowly and didn’t speak.
Who is their goal? From the identity, Tang Yi San is more inclined to actress Liu Qi, whose identity is obviously much more important than that of those workers in the cast. It is unnecessary to make such a big noise when assassinating the workers, and Liu Qi is not a general star. Her status in the entertainment circle is almost similar to that of diva. Although Tang Yi San never cares about these entertainment hexagrams, he often hears the name Liu Qi.
There must be a lot of bodyguards around such heavenly kings, divas and big-name stars when they are out in public, but it is very difficult to pay attention to the public’s reaction and want to get their hands. But yesterday, it was very difficult for the crew to disperse the crowd with heavy rain and cover them, and then it was very difficult to detonate two cars in the thunder, so it can be said that Liu Qi was killed by waves in the explosion, which neither caused people panic nor caused much flaw. Even if people wondered what cars would be struck by lightning, they would never think about the power.
In the thought of national unity, the death of people by lightning is almost tantamount to doing something wrong, and the fourteen crew members are buried with them, so as not to arouse suspicion. People will think that Liu Qi was one of the unlucky people who killed more than a dozen people.
Chapter 24 Miss Tang’s apartment
PS Gaga continues to ask for tickets. It’s three o’clock.
Teacher Tang, what are you doing? You can’t be thinking about yesterday. Seeing Tang Yi scattered motionless, Xiao Qing couldn’t help pulling his arm.

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