Little bastard, others are afraid that you will be old, but they will not be afraid that you will offend the old people. In the end, there is no good chance.


Don’t be angry, young master. This is very important to your future. The middle-aged man beside him immediately advised.
It took the middle-aged Han to persuade the white-faced boy to look slow. Gnome male-"That’s right. This is a small problem for my future. Then I will explain it to him, and then I will never let anyone know that I have arrested Situhao.
Yes, young master
Situhao was aghast when I heard that.
The inn here is located in the most prosperous area of the city, and it is ten miles away. How many koo people will be poisoned? This Bashu Tangmen is really terrible.
Do you know that this will kill many people?
Hum, of course, I know that it will kill many people, but I’m happy. What’s the matter? I heard that you are bent on the head of the people. Today, I’m going to show you the scene of corpses lying everywhere. This is my vicious style in Tangmen.
Just as the white-faced boy was talking, Situhao’s mouth was broken, and the middle-aged Han directly threw a Dan pill in his mouth.
Don’t, don’t kill us, master Tang. We will never say anything about your arrest of Situhao.
Hum, the dead can keep secrets best. The white-faced boy said with a cold hum
Master, you wait for us here. We’ll go to Shili to poison all the creatures here.
Yeah, go ahead.
White-faced teenagers fell to the ground with their voices. More than a dozen brothers of Tang Clan went to the inn without delay.
Situhao was very angry at this time, but he couldn’t help it. When those Tang brothers ran to the inn, they were still decadent. Those people died of black blood in their mouths, noses, ears and eyes.
This has to make Situ Hao once again horrified. He didn’t see people poisoned in the inn, but the poison was already formed. The people in the inn died at the moment. This kind of poison is really shocking.
Situhao condensed his body with a few weak wires, turned his head and looked at the street. At this time, pedestrians in the street also fell to the ground, which was really a corpse.
It’s not a cover for Tangmen people to dare to provoke the facts.
Situhao’s heart is broken. The people in the city died because of him. Now that he is not in the city, these people will not die if he does not reveal his true identity.
But at this time, he can’t help it. He tried to turn into a god beast, but he didn’t succeed. His weak body made him unable to do things and watch people being poisoned like this.
Slowly in the past, about half an hour later, those Tang brothers rushed back quickly to master.
The white-faced boy nodded slowly. Well, let’s go with Situhao.
Yes, young master
Respectfully promised that the white-faced teenager had taken the lead in leaving the inn, and the middle-aged Han walked directly to the outside with Situhao’s body.
The busy streets are quiet at this time, and all the cities have fallen into the dead silence.
Situhao was led into the sky by the middle-aged man, and Situhao looked at the ground. Only then did he find that the city streets were full of bodies, adults, children and some livestock bodies with horror.
Tang Clan is a living creature in Fiona Fang, which is extremely poisonous and horror.
You can imagine the number of people in the most prosperous area of a city. In half an hour, Tang Men’s brother cast poison, and I’m afraid he has killed tens of thousands of creatures. This kind of poison slaughter is much more terrible than killing by force. No wonder the two magic weapons, no matter how powerful, dare not provoke Bashu Tang Men.
Don’t little animals just kill some people? Do you have to be sad? I told you that the poison in this ten-mile range will last for at least ten days before it can be completely volatilized. In these ten days, anyone who enters here will be suspicious, and those smart people in the city will leave the city and still be able to save a life if they don’t escape from here, then they will die. The white-faced boy here will become a dead city. Chapter 39 is very disdainful.
In the face of these weak immortal brothers, Situhao’s attack power at this time can be described as a wonderful killing. After an attack, dozens of immortal brothers were killed. The ground has been covered with a thick layer of finely divided flesh and blood. I’m afraid it’s really shocking.
Also constantly xianmendi came on the way. When they saw that Situhao was squeal than the attack, they quickly stopped running and hurried back to fly back and hang in the middle, watching the ground finely with horror.
What a terrible attack! What a terrible killing method! In the eyes of these immortal brothers, Situhao is the enemy.
At this time, several flashes flashed in the sky, and six martial arts were flying on the ground with deep red flesh and blood. These martial arts are all in the ninth order, and the four-person force is even stronger than Situhao. You bastard dare to come to my fairy gate to kill you. Are you impatient?
Stuart smiled coldly. Do you think you can kill me?
Hum, although the old man doesn’t have the strength and the confidence, don’t forget that this is a fairy gate surrounded by many weapons, and you will die. The speaker is a campus and looks very fierce.

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