Oh, let him in


Come in, ChuYu let Situhao into the room.
Situhao entered the room and saw Chu Tianbo sitting first and didn’t salute him.
After all, he is not a swordsman at all, and he doesn’t do anything to him.
Patriarch, I want to know about my dad. Can you tell me? Situ Haomen asked when he saw the mountain.
Chu Tianbo’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. Feather, take the door by the way first.
It was Dad Chuyu who made a respectful salute before he left the room and closed the door.
See my son go to Chu Tianbo, and then look at the face. Sit down, Stuart Haoer. I’ll tell you slowly.
Situhao nodded lightly and sat down in the first chair. What’s going on with my dad now?
Alas, Chu Tianbo sighed for a long time, and your father was caught by the immortals more than a year ago. In fact, for more than a year, we Jianzong people who participated in this operation never gave up pursuing your father, but unfortunately, there was still no news from him. Chu Tianbo said with a heavy face
Situhao is not an idiot, but he knows that ChuTianBo says it’s just some cosmetic words.
They didn’t care about my father when he was in Jianzong. They didn’t care about him when he was taken away by the Immortal Burning Sect. Only fools would believe these words.
Patriarch, I want to know whether my father was killed by burning immortals. Situhao hit the nail on the head and asked
He really fell into the hands of the immortal-burning master, and he wouldn’t have been killed. Chu Tianbo replied positively
Situhao immediately became more confused than what?
I won’t say anything about this problem, but I won’t lie to you.
Since the patriarch is hiding something, I won’t ask.
Situhao feels that there seems to be a big secret behind this matter, and it is impossible for Jianzong people to ask for something from them.
Haoer, thank you for resolving the disaster of Jianzong. In view of your great contribution to Jianzong, I have decided to make you Jianzong’s younger brother after careful consideration.
Situhao slightly leng leng, I don’t want to save my dad now.
Silly boy, can you save your dad with your strength? You’d better practice in Jianzong until you are strong. If your dad falls into the hands of the immortal-burning Sect master, his life will not be in danger.
Chu Tianbo made it very clear that it is impossible to enter the Immortal Burning Sect to save his father because of his current strength. I really want to save him. I can wait until I am strong.
Well, I’ll stay in Jianzong and practice first.
Hao son heard that when you defeated the master of Ghost Cave, it was a set of boxing with thunder and lightning potential. What kind of boxing was it? Chu Tianbo sat in the first pair of eyes and stared at Situhao. He asked eagerly.
Situhao’s heart suddenly tightened. He wouldn’t tell Chu Tianbo about his own boxing. I don’t know what it is. This boxing was obtained from a cave three years ago when I was looking for an ancient tomb. I didn’t say what it was.
Oh, so your strength came from practice?
It is also practiced according to the disability
When you are three years old, you will be able to use this powerful force. I want to see that remnant, which is by no means ordinary. Haoer, can you show me one?
Mom, this old beast is so nice to me all of a sudden that he wants to get my practice tips from me. The dog, the weasel, is not happy to pay a New Year call to the chicken. You’d better die if you want to get these things from me.
Situ Haobai didn’t say that he wouldn’t be stupid enough to hit the stone with an egg, patriarch. I’m sorry. When I got the residual volume, it was already in ruins. In less than a year, it was turned into ashes by me. Now there is nothing.
Then copy your memory and show it to me.
I’m sorry, the patriarch’s scroll is full of pictures and words. It’s okay for me to write those words, but I don’t have such a thing if I want to bring those pictures.
Chu Tianbo is not a provincial oil lamp. He immediately turned to white Situhao root and didn’t want to show him the residual volume. His patience has reached the extreme. His eyes are staring at Situhao with a pair of deep eyes.
It’s so easy for you to turn the secret book into dust and annihilate it, little beast. Since you have a hard time, I can kill you and make you lose your mind. I can’t believe I can’t find that scroll.
Chu Tianbo got up resolutely in the cold extreme sound. There is already one more sword in his hand, flashing with cold mountain. Look ferocious and go to Situhao step by step to force Chapter 15 to make this up.
Situhao, I didn’t expect Chu Tianbo’s madness to kill what he had acquired.
Although there is no such thing as a remnant in one’s own knowledge, he has a secret book for a beast, and this secret book for a beast is better than a remnant. He can let this scumbag get it.
Seeing Chu Tianbo approaching Situhao step by step, he didn’t panic. He got up calmly, took two steps forward and laughed on the spot. This made Chu Tianbo immediately stop his steps.
The little beast laughed
I didn’t turn that ancient remnant into ashes, but it wasn’t in my knowledge either. I remembered it thoroughly for a year, and then I hid it. I won’t be stupid enough to put such ancient remnant in my own knowledge and get myself killed, said Situhao calmly.
Chu Tianbo’s eyes were full of light when he murmured these four words in the mouth of the ancient remnant.
This is the light of greed
Because of the constant struggle between immortals and demons, many ancient powerful techniques have been annihilated in the fairy magic continent. If the ancient techniques are left behind, they are all treasures in Wu’s eyes.
Situhao once sneaked into Fayuange and carefully read these things.
He wants to arouse Chu Tianbo’s great greed for the remnants of his mouth, so that he won’t directly kill himself without knowing his own god.
Today, Chu Tianbo is by no means that Situ Hao can fight. Now, it is not a problem to find a way to save his life and then find a chance to escape.
Of course, Situhao’s illusion must not be carried out in front of Chu Tianbo. Now his illusion creatures are far from martial in terms of attack power and speed.
Haoer wants you to give me the ancient scrolls you got, and I promise you will have a good life in Fengyun Jianzong in the future.
Chu Tianbo played a ferocious face and said kindly

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