Whether it is good or evil to think of my magic rock dynasty lies in your reading Pan Li light way


It must be said that there is great pressure in Pan Li’s words. Who wants to be blamed for the fact that the Magic Rock Dynasty is too strong? In addition, it was said earlier that a senior dynasty was directly abolished by the Magic Rock Dynasty, which made them fierce and powerful, that is, some nirvana powers did not dare to blame them easily, and this is also what Pan Li did in Yangcheng, but everyone dared to be angry and dare not speak. In the end, they were afraid because a strong nirvana was actually insufficient, but behind it, the Magic Rock Dynasty held such ability.
After Li Panyin’s backwardness, the eyes turned to Lin Dong’s figure. No one knows whether the new Tianfu master will be so tough when facing the monster of the Magic Rock Dynasty.
In that many eyes, Lin stared at Li and circled and smiled. After seeing his smile, he still wanted to compromise. Immediately, his mouth was provoked with a hidden irony.
But just as his radian was just raised, Lin moved to raise my hand and point to the outer road of Yangcheng to take you to get out of Yangcheng.
Yang radian solidified a little ferocious at this moment and gradually climbed Pan Li’s face. He stared at Lin’s face and turned green and red, and then said with solemnity, it’s a hard bone, but since you don’t want to give your face, you can blame yourself for not controlling your last chance.
With the cold of Pan Li gradually falling, the surging force is as pervasive as the tide, and the great pressure of those people directly makes people around them breathless.
Pan Li’s face was ferocious and twisted, obviously angered by Lin’s move. In his view, even if Lin really stepped into the Tianfu division, he was not qualified to talk to him like this.
To reduce the explosion, everyone saw that Pan Li’s body movement was like an arrow, and then he was violently plundered, and then a punch blasted the horse’s gas and burst, and the powerful horse’s tooth force swept over and turned out to be condensed into various groups of beasts. The impact on the forest was quite amazing, and each monster beast condensed by Yuan Li contained enough to kill a half-step nirvana, which was strong and fluctuating. Even Liu Yuan’s quasi-nirvana face became more severe.
Lin untied the rope and did not move. He looked at Pan Li’s offensive eyes, but there was a little fiery rise. He didn’t directly summon the blood spirit. Now he really wants to try his spirit after stepping into the Tianfu division.
At this moment, the small world formed by the Mud Pillow Palace is also full of waves, and a faint wind is forming in it.
The square sky suddenly became dark and windy, and most people can feel a strong and moving spirit permeating this world.
Lin Dong’s eyes were full of fine mans, and he grabbed his mother’s hand. A hurricane actually took shape in his hand, and it turned into a hurricane’s palm, and then he slammed it at the rising force.
Bang bang bang.
Reduce the explosion, and the hurricane will continue to ring. Most of the monsters exploded, and even the ground was torn by the hurricane that swept through.
Looking at Lin’s understatement, all the people present once again couldn’t help but take a breath of air conditioning. This is the power of Tian Fu Shi, and the power is extremely strong.
Yuan Li blasted Pan Li, who was shocked by life and death. Soon he was livid. Presumably, he didn’t expect Lin’s spirit to be strong to this state. He had just entered nirvana with some luck and added Nirvana Dan. However, just 100,000 people didn’t successfully survive nirvana. He was relatively backward in nirvana, but in his view, it was just that he had just entered Tianfu Shilin, and there would be no problem. But this scene made him white. He seemed to underestimate Lin.
I don’t believe you, who just entered Tianfu, can transport the spirit to the realm.
Li Pan drank the palm of his hand, held a handle and flashed a sharp long drama, which was presented in his hand. His body movements turned out to be the same as the waves sweeping across the forest.
However, he actually didn’t know that Lin moved in the Jin Dynasty when he entered the Tianfu Division. The remains in the secret key were stronger in memory. Empirically, the manipulation of spiritual transport will obviously go far beyond this Pan Li scale.
So I can use you to sharpen my knife
In the face of Pan Li’s sudden sharp attack, Lin’s eyes became more and more intense, and his body movements were directly stepping on the wind, and his body was ethereal. At this time, the wind of heaven and earth started to thunder, thunder and thunder.
Lin Dong also got some valuable means to display his spirit when he got the stronger experience and memory. He really wants to know that he will be strong when he is motivated by his strength.
Thunder, the sky flashes, and people are all looking at this scene in horror. Obviously, this vision should be Lin Dong’s spirit bow that permeates heaven and earth.

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