Fan Qingyu said, "Qing Liu, I don’t deny that I told you that Jiang Jingwen approached you with my own thoughts. I like you and a capable man like you. Besides, you are not married. Why can’t I compete fairly?"


"Actually, it’s Jiang Jingwen, not me. Do you believe it?"
Qing Liu smile don’t talk.
"I’ll tell you one thing. Think about it yourself."
Fan Qingyu looked at him and said seriously, "Since Jiang Jingwen and hello, she didn’t even answer my words! From this point, can you see who is thoughtful? Is she worried that you will find me white with her? "
Qing Liu’s eyebrows pick a smile and ignore it. Women’s minds are elusive, and many ideas seem inexplicable to men
"I do admit that I like you because of money."
Fan Qingyu looked at him calmly. "But money is only one aspect. Besides, there are many things."
Qing Liu was a little curious and said, "Like what?"
"For example, you value feelings."
Fan Qingyu said seriously, "Take Jingwen as an example. Although she approached you at the beginning because of your money, you found out that she sold her house and left Wencheng County for the first time and asked me about her."
"Would you be so concerned if you didn’t have feelings for her?"
"Money is really needed in life, but if every woman likes money, then men without money will be miserable. They have to be single for a generation."
"For example, Gong Tianlin, do you think he is rich? I haven’t been with him for several years? "
I don’t deny that you said I like you because of money, but besides money, your attention to feelings is also one of the factors that fascinate me.
"Women always need to be valued, otherwise they will not feel safe."
She took a long breath.
This remark made Liu Qing quite surprised. He didn’t have much idea about Fan Qingyu’s coming to the real world-even once she made bold and explicit statements and hints, she didn’t reassure Qing Liu.
But eye this words let Qing Liu can’t help but seriously look at her.
Fan Qingyu raised her head slightly and the box lights shone on her white slender neck and delicate clavicle, which made people feel heartache.
"Qing Liu, are you really not going to give me a chance?"
Fan Qingyu beautiful eyes delicate and touching looked at him.
Qing Liu seriously thought about it and said, "I’m afraid I’ll regret it in the future and I can’t get away."
Fan Qingyu couldn’t hide his disappointment in his eyes. He barely smiled and took the initiative to bypass the topic and said, "Let’s eat."
Qing Liu breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he’s not LiuHui. Faced with Fan Qingyu, this kind of beauty always puts on a picking posture. He really can’t stand it.
The food was fast, but Qing Liu noticed that Fan Qingyu just ate a few mouthfuls and didn’t move chopsticks again. He ordered a bottle of red wine and Qing Liu drank half a cup, and he was all drunk by Fan Qingyu.
Out of the box and walking in front of Fan Qingyu, the charming body is a little wobbly when walking.
"Are you all right?"
Liu Qing could not help but ask 1.
Fan Qingyu shook his head and immediately put his hand over his forehead "just a little dizzy."
Ask the address of her home community, and Li Jian will drive them to the floor.
I don’t know whether the road was blown by the wind or the reason for the booze. Qing Liu saw Fan Qingyu shaking worse than before. He was a little uneasy about hitting the door to hold her and said, "Let’s go and I’ll take you to the building."
Fan Qingyu pushed him.
This move made Qing Liu feel that she was really drunk. When she pushed herself, her arms were soft and there was no strength at all.
"Come on, don’t push yourself."
Qing Liu said as she helped her to the floor.
At the door, Fan Qingyu reached into his bag and fumbled for the key and knocked on the door.
Qing Liu loosened her hand at the door. "I won’t go in. Go to bed early."
Fan Qingyu looked up at him when he entered the door and turned on the lights. "Are you really not coming in?" Her face is red, her eyes are blurred and her charming body is shaking. "I’m alone. Why don’t you come in and have a glass of water with me before you go?"
The original Qing Liu was going to refuse, but when she heard a little prayer in her tone, she hesitated and sighed and said, "OK."
Fan Qingyu sat down on the sofa after taking the door. Qing Liu found a thermos and poured a glass of white water in front of her.
This subtle move made Fan Qingyu finally make up his mind.
"Qing Liu …"
She hummed like a mosquito. Qing Liu looked up at her. "What’s the matter?"
Fan Qingyu smiled, "You sit next to me."
Qing Liu wanted to think and sat in the past.

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