Although Yan Re feels that the reason for granting is not sufficient, what can he do? She’s a catcher. Can she still kill him? You have to say it in person.


So, when such a person had no time, Yan Re, Gu Yi and Yun went back to Dali Temple to find Xu’s adult with two brothers in a coma.
Because they are worried about Yan Re being bait these days, Xu’s adult has been staying in Dali Temple, and they will meet Xu’s adult soon.
Xu’s adult saw Gu Yi with a face of shock, so he gave Gu Yi a big gift "I have seen the temple".
Also carrying a unconscious brother Gu Yi of Dali Temple "…"
He carried the comatose brother with both hands and didn’t have the hand to help Xu’s adult, so he said, "Adults don’t have to be polite."
Adult Xu got up and saw the two brothers being carried. "What … what’s going on?"
YanRe corners of the mouth can’t help but twitch, this … Only to find?
Knowing the general situation, Xu adults asked Yan Re and Gu Yi for details.
They said they met someone, but it was directed at Yan Re. I don’t know if there was a missing woman, but Yun said that he didn’t see anything after calling Yan Re.
Say yes, I didn’t see Yan. If you don’t believe me, where did you just call her at this moment?
It’s not that Yan Re is aiming at Yun, but that she feels strange when Yun lets her be the bait.
Who will shout other people’s names when they are looking for someone outside? Who are you fooling?
When they came out of Dali Temple, it was dawn the next night, but there was still no young woman missing because Yan Re had no accident.
The two fallen brothers woke up later, but they couldn’t give any clues. They fainted without seeing anything.
Outside Dali Temple, Yun looked at Gu Yi. "My brother hasn’t come back for a long time, and my father misses him very much. Why don’t you come with me to the palace to meet my father?"
Gu Yi smiled, "Let me go back and change clothes first."
He is still wearing a night suit. How disgraceful it would be to enter the palace now.
Allow smiled and said "good" and followed Gu Yi and YanRe back to the inn.
After returning to the inn, Yan Rezheng wanted to go back to his room and was pulled back to his room by Gu Yi.
Gu Yi put her hands on her shoulder and asked her to sit with her eyes. "If there is a problem with that promise, I have arranged someone. Please wait here first and check him out while Yun is not in his temple."
YanRe nodded and heard Gu Yi say a sentence "now turn around"
Yan Re turned around without thinking. As soon as she turned around, she thought of something wrong. When she turned around, she caught a glimpse of Gu Yi changing clothes and turned back quickly.
Well, what does she know? Gu Yi turned her around …
She swore that she only glanced at it and saw nothing!
Gu Yi didn’t seem to find that Yan Re didn’t turn around. After he changed his clothes, he went to Yan Re and "waited for me to pick you up."
Then he left in a hurry.
After Gu Yi left, Yan Ruocai found that there were many operator papers and a peach wooden sword on the table, the compass for distinguishing evil things.
The compass pointer trembled slightly and pointed out of the window. Yan Re picked up the compass and pushed the window open, leaving a gap.
She saw Gu Yiyun waiting outside the inn through the crack. The compass pointer refers to him …
As Gu Yi to both of them after the pointer direction also follow allow direction.
YanRe leng for a while this allow … Is evil.
No wonder Gu Yi said there was something wrong with Yun.
Allow and Gu Yi front foot just left when someone knocked on Gu Yi door.
Thought of Gu Yi said that he sent someone to meet her Yan Re and opened the door.
Outside the door stood a cold beauty in strong clothes. When she saw Yan Re, she said, "Summer Girl’s Temple sent me to come and go."
Because this cold sound is very unique, Yan Ruoyi recognized her. "You are the next one …" Ask about the girl?
Chapter 48 Chapter 48
Accompanying Yun, Gu Yi, Gu Yi and Yun came back together. When they saw the girl who was tied up and Yan Re, they asked, "What does this mean, Emperor?"
Yun also looked at him, his eyes narrowed and he smiled. "What does it mean for your brother to come to my temple with this stack of symbols?"
Allow the words sound just fell and then hand to Gu Yi direction.
Gu Yi is not stupid. As early as after he heard this, he prepared the sleeve. When Yun came at him, he had put it in the neck.
That is a knife made of mahogany.

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