Suddenly, the traitor and the traitor screamed into the tripod and boiled and fried.


The follower of the festival had already been paralyzed with fear, and the temple was shaking and speechless.
Now that the four traitors have been cut off, the Zhao rebellion is no longer a concern.
Zhao Xuansui stared at the attendant.
Being stared at by this pair of cold eyes, the entourage was scared out of her wits and kowtowed again and again.
But when I saw Ba Bo ‘er beside Zhao Xuan glance at each other, I immediately said, "Hum ~ Take your Lord back for everyone to see and think about being a traitor’s field."
The attendant immediately knelt down to panic and stepped back.
Hedian pavilion
After staying in the temple, Zhao Xuan looked gratefully at Ba Bo ‘er’s threesome and said, "Thank you, Uncle, for helping me."
Say he still has some can’t believe that four guest qing zhao turned out to be evil dark guard!
He shook his head and sighed, "~ I never thought that the evil spirits of magic repair could understand that people in court would disturb the situation in heaven and ruin the whole life."
After talking about it, Luoyun and Zhao Xuan were ready to leave.
Parting international bully Boer said, "There is still a message for you."
Zhao Xuan solemnly saluted his brother, "My brother Zhao Xuanjing listens to the teacher."
However, seeing Ba Bo ‘er imitating Luo Yu’s tone, he said in a good way, "Xuan Er needs to keep in mind that the only way is constant in vertical and horizontal cooperation; By the way, the pedestrian Wang Yi is angry and the vassal fears that the sky will live and live. "
Said the bully son looked thoughtful Zhao Xuanqiao smile tone reminds "you ah ~ is the official misty rain pro-personal king holding the seal of the king’s weapon is no longer the past Zhao Huanghuang, if you make a decisive war? It’ s raining and raining, and pedestrians are determined by the road? "
Hearing this, Zhao Xuan sighed and nodded, "There is always a fetter in the long life; Life is long and there is relief, and this life is the king; Do your best in this life. "
With that, he gave a respectful ceremony, "I understand that I will never go to the migration of Chixiao."
See Zhao Xuanwu Luo Yu mind bully wave son smile to nod.
While Luo Yun turned and waved his hand lazily and urged, "It’s over. Let’s go. It’s still a long journey to the north."
Say three people turned and floated away.
At dawn the next day, 300,000 Zhao Junrui approached the north bank of the Pijiang River.
The war horse screams, the sword and halberd are like thorns and banners, and the drums are loud!
General Zhao Neng also wants to fight back and die.
But I never thought about it ~ The two armies fought and killed, but for a moment the rebel department suddenly mutinied!
That was forced to block the hundreds of "sergeant" who charged the dead in front of him, but suddenly turned the spear head and helped three hundred thousand Julian Waghann to kill the rebels together!
At that time, I was afraid of the rebels, and the general Zhao Neng was even more angry by the mutinous rebels and dismembered and died in the disorderly army.
While Zhao’s treason kings and nobles knew that the tide was gone, so they married 3,000 private soldiers, and Zhao Xie, the young emperor, wanted to cross the sea and escape from Yan land, but was besieged by thousands of people in Zezhou and Li Shu outside Linxiang Town!
Countless people who have lost their loved ones and suffered from exploitation can’t wait to be angry and frustrated.
Fortunately, Wang Zhao Xuan led the cavalry to this place to appease the furious Li people, and at the same time saved the flustered Zhao Xie and others, and then remanded them to the capital.
This chaos in Zhao has to be quelled, and thousands of people in Zezhou, all over the warehouse, lined the way to meet Julian Waghann.
It was dark and windy that night.
Three monks quietly came to the joint venture of Yan army stationed in the border area in the north.
Two women and one man easily killed the monks in the garrison in the middle of the army and declared that people were evil spirits. The dark guards then drifted to the west and left the soldiers of the Yan army.
Soon after, in the dead of night, there was a sudden fairy war in Yan Dou City.
Woke up with a start, several people saw the waning moon from a distance, and it seemed that there were three people fighting against each other.
Causing the imperial palace to collapse, the guards were scared and scared, flying sand and stones, and the sky would fall and the earth would crack, and the magical powers would fly and the evil spirits would cover the sky and close the moon and roar like thunder.
The war lasted for nearly half an hour.

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