You know, the land order god gave to the mainland is a powerful instrument, not to mention that this god punished the mainland, which is simply a treasure.


No wonder Gong suddenly intervened in the dispute between evil spirits and killed the ghost old son at any cost.
At the moment, Luo Yu has handed the arc sword to some excited Ba Bo ‘er, who ordered, "Give it a try by shedding blood."
Ba Bo Er naturally nodded "Yes" with great joy.
She is short of a good sword now. If this sword is really a step, it will definitely help her combat power with half the effort.
After all, Jian Xiu’s so-called Jian Xiu key is still a sword word!
Even if Luo Yu created the sword, it will eventually require the sword to be completely integrated, but without the sword, what can be integrated? What artistic conception has it become?
They expected the eyes to bully Bo ‘er, so they recognized the main steps of the sword …
As the deep red blood drops fell on the cloud moon inscription, a wisp of god knowledge also entered the arc sword in her hand.
At that moment, GV throbbed and knew that the sea was swinging like a bright moon in Ran Ran, and a slender and curved moon wheel, Yin Hui Seal, rose!
They saw that the primitive sword in Ba Bo ‘er’s hand was shining like a moon in a mirror with silver streamer, and Yin Hui was beautiful.
Hum ~
The shape fluctuation suddenly dispersed, and the residual rust covered with black ink suddenly cracked and scattered the dust.
Expose a curved silver hook with a handle covered with leisure. Yin Hui is as bright as the bright moon before shocking everyone.
"What’s the grade?" Luo Yu smiled and asked
Baber opened his eyes and smiled like a hundred flowers. "The public is in the stairs!"
"in? Well ~ it’s not bad, "Luo Yu asked again." Can there be innate supernatural powers attached to the terraces? "
At the moment, Ba Bo ‘er is very happy.
She nodded excitedly. "It’s called Moon Surprise Wheel. Please see."
And she has been looking forward to jumping over a big stone.
See the left hand holding the silver scabbard of the cloud star, and the right hand holding one end of the silver handle carved on the moon.
Everyone looked up at the international scene, but they saw that the silver awn of the two-foot moon wheel was flowing, and it was pulled into a semicircle with the bending to both sides, revealing a slender moon wheel curved blade about three feet long!
Smooth leisure Yin Hui is like a wave, like a mirror, like a bright moon wheel.
Paopaoer was so happy to see her sister get such a treasure that she cracked her mouth with laughter.
Good baby saw but touched the hope that it was about to finish the month-long surprise wheel and muttered, "Is this …? I don’t think there’s anything special about it. How can I get a step? "
Obviously, there are still some envy, jealousy and hate components in the heart of Haowa.
See the bully son proud smile "watch"
After saying her word, she has drawn her sword out of its sheath, and the silver sheath of the cloud star turns out to be a silvery white mirror like a full moon with a round of outstretched arms!
And everyone is amazed.
Ba Bo Er has jumped back from his head and dived into the left side of the silver round mirror.
At the same time, a woman jumped out of the right side of the round mirror!
This gradually leaps out that the female figure is petite, although it seems that she can’t wear half a shoe, but her whole body is covered with silvery white floating scales, which are as smooth as glass and full of streamline and beauty!
Step ~
Bare feet and light stones are coming. Iron stones are crunchy!
The silver bright moon is transformed with the wheel, and the silver ribbon against the wind and the long twill are wrapped around the woman who is rotating to fix her body, while the Na Yue Jing wheel is suspended around and slowly rotates to protect her body.
She has a high ponytail, such as silver thread, floating surface, such as silver Ryukyu mask, and the outline of big eyes is faintly visible, and the sword mark between the eyebrows …
At the moment, Luo Yu is looking at the silver scales and showing shock.
While you Yingying covers her mouth and exclaims, "Little … Little Fan! ?”
Yes, at this moment, the petite figure of stone is exactly what it used to look like!
But after jumping into the full moon, it is Ba Bo Er who appears, but Xiao Fan?
And isn’t Xiao Fan already dead, and the soul Ba Bo Er blends in and lives in one body?
Seeing that this month’s scary wheel surrounds the petite figure, the silver face seems to be frozen and there is no expression, and the mouth of the mouth seems to have a smile. "Hey ~ it’s just Xiaofan!"
Los feather brow trembling gherardini joy like sad not hurt trembling way "small any! Is it really you? "
"Xiao Fan" turned and jumped around the moon, and her posture was beautiful as the Milky Way poured down.
She came to the front of Luoyu, looked up and held out a cold silver hand, touching the already mixed Chen Luoyu cheek judo "Gong Xiaofan can accompany you again"
Feel the cold touch on the cheek. Listen, it’s more foggy than the familiar sound.
He instantly grasped Xiao Fan’s icy silver warrant with one hand and habitually touched Xiao Fan’s head and murmured, "Good … so good is the best …"
However, when I woke up, I was shocked and said, "You … you are Xiaofan … what about my little sister?"
"Xiao Fan" turned to look at the anxious rush about.
She stroked the moon-shocked wheel beside her and laughed, "Silly big man, I call this the moon body is the magical property of the moon-shocked wheel. Once the blade is drawn, the bright moon will appear that month …"
They heard’ small any’ narrative gradually suddenly.
It turns out that this month, day order’s sword is naturally equipped with an attached avatar.
And this avatar is the moon body, also known as the mirror.
The body of the moon is attached to the master’s body by the scabbard of the moon, which is amazing in defense. The armor can not only remove some damage, but also has natural resistance to evil spirits.
But I don’t know? Perhaps it is because of the long-term damage to the shock wheel this month. Although it was barely repaired by Luoyu, it eventually fell to the ground and changed its body this month.
Always in the mirror, it’s Ba Bo Er who comes out, but Xiao Fan!
That is to say, once the moon is shocked, the appearance of Xiao Fan is a bully.
Luo Yu is also puzzled by Zhang Er, a monk.
However, it’s all right. Although the body is as cold as iron this month and the expression is on your face, it’s good that Xiao Xiaofan can also show up in the shape of the moon …
At the moment, I am worried about running around and repeatedly asking Xiaofan to be reluctant to escape into the mirror again and walk out with Ba Bo’s smile.
The moon-shocked wheel deserves to be surrounded by the sword, which is light and handy around Babo’s waist. It is attached to the bodybuilding waist by itself, and it is as beautiful as a silver buckle.
The bully son with stared eyes are coming at ease elder brother Cheng strange way "what’s the panic? Can’t you let Gong Xiaofan stay longer? "
Paopaoer scratched his head awkwardly and laughed. "I’m not worried …"
Good baby has been looking forward to the bully wave son waist month surprised wheel envy make clicks, "alas ~ if only I could have a stair multiplier"
Ba Bo ‘er deliberately teased a little bit and poked a good baby to poke his brow and said, "Oh, where are you looking with bedroom eyes?"? Shame on people! "

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